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MessagePosté le: Ven Aoû 09, 2013 11:16 am    Sujet du message: Daily Fund - performance appraisal vs frequent cha Répondre en citant

Performance appraisal vs frequent changes in product expansion fund managers
rich fund on July 23 announced that its Wells Fargo convertible bonds, the rich and the rich Tianfeng Tianying three fund managers Zhaoheng Yi resigned for personal reasons. Thus, in July the number of fund managers have been left up to 19, of which 12 people were recruited for the fund managers, involving a total of 40 fund products.
learned that Wells Fargo Funds after the three funds and other fund managers have Zhaoheng Yi co-management, which currently three funds respectively Chenshu Liang, Diao Yu and Zou Hui management; just a fund managed by the same fund products, Zhaoheng Yi's departure a relatively small impact on the Fund.
into July, the fund managers leave phenomenon increased significantly, almost every day fund managers leave, which on July 17 in one day five fund managers to change. Reason for leaving the fund manager, the fund company announcements generally called "personal reasons" or "business needs." However, the reporter analysis found that some fund managers leave to poor performance in the first half, the fund companies to strengthen the case of performance evaluation, the poor performance of fund managers will be replaced.
a third-party fund sales organizations, researchers said that the Fund's management product size and fund performance are closely related,adjustable motorcycle levers, and only good performance in order to attract investors to buy their products, "especially some fund third-party sales platform, Only good fund performance products will be placed in a prominent position recommended sites, and ordinary investors to choose funds, the most valued indicator is also short-term performance. "
changes in fund managers increased, a large number of products and fund expansion are also related. With the deregulation of regulatory authorities to strengthen supervision, the Fund began to rapidly increase issue. SFC website data show that as of June this year, the number of fund products have up to 1345, but this time last year has just exceeded one thousand, just a short time, they added three four hundred. Fund products in so many cases, changes in fund managers increased the absolute number is not surprising. In addition, the information management industry, the competition between fund managers leave is also one of the reasons.
analysts said, the fund manager changes the normal inevitable, but too frequent changes will affect the fund style, thereby affecting the Fund's performance. For investors, fund managers face changes, you can decide whether to buy from several aspects: First, the fund's overall investment research capabilities, investment decision-making system and risk control system more perfect company, there will be more talented reserves the ability to maintain its overall fund performance persistence; followed by the new fund manager's historical performance, if the historical performance excellence, investors can choose to continue to hold; finally, depends on the new fund manager's investment style, great investment style extent determine product performance, for example, a small-cap fund, last year the real estate equity fund managers are heavy to get beautiful results, but the results of this year is very bad.
recent fund managers change the part of the fund
Fund referred Fund Manager
Reason for change change date
Name Type
Wells Fargo convertible bonds, rich abundance, rich Tianying Zhaoheng Yi dismissal for personal reasons 2013-7-23
ICBC small cap stocks Hao Lian Feng dismissal I resign 2013-7-16
JP Morgan ticket levy Mau Ping blue chip recruit whose work requires 2013-7-22
Yinhua advantage mixed in small cap stocks Bin Jin Yin Hua dismissal for personal reasons 2013-7-19
long letter currency interest income (519,999) Wan Li dismissal resigned for personal reasons 2013-7-19
Nordisk Enhanced Yield Bond (573,003), Nord preferred stock Michael Hui Zhang
dismissal for personal reasons 2013-7-17
Guotai Junan Allianz confidence bonds Feng Jun dismissal business development needs 2013-7-13
Jinyuan Hui Li Hou Bin dismissal core power internal workings of the stock adjustment 2013-7-12
Xingquan PANWENZ changes in working arrangements Rui dismiss 2013-7-11
cast Vanguard Morgan Growth (378,010) stock Qian Tang dismissed because of their work 2013-7-8
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