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Inscrit le: 27 Sep 2011
Messages: 7915
Localisation: England

MessagePosté le: Mer Aoû 21, 2013 5:04 pm    Sujet du message: we can’t teach Christians about the stones Répondre en citant

{Basketball star LayZ Gordon gets holy}
Former Maccabi Tel Aviv basketball star and sports TV commentator LayZ Gordon is hoping to score a dunk with his latest project - a song and video clip aimed to promote tourism to Israel.The 48-year-old athlete-turned-musician, inspirational speaker and athletic trainer has released “Oh My Holy Land,adjustable clutch lever,” a jazz/gospel tune accompanied by an ambitious video clip aimed at Christian viewers – and potential visitors - in the US.Instead of the tried and true travelogues showing Israeli sites,motorcycle levers,SportBike Levers, beaches and cities,adjustable handles, Gordon and the clip’s director and script writer Roy Gluska,Motorcycle Racing Parts, chose to focus on the country’s hidden resource – its people.“Look,adjustable Lever, we can’t teach Christians about the stones, but we can show him the bones, and we can’t teach them about the places,adjustable levers,adjustable levers, but we can show them the faces,” said the gregarious Gordon this week. “If you feel comfortable with the people,adjustable Lever,adjustable clutch lever, then it lessens the apprehensions about coming here.” The song’s catchy refrain "Oh My Holy Land" with background vocals by Hillary Sergeant,adjustable motorcycle levers,adjustable levers motorcycle, Adi Hall and Roni Ginossar is accompanied by Gluska’s story line about a widowed accountant who find his own holy land by leaving the office and taking his private plane above Israel’s skies with a photo of his late wife in the cockpit. Interspersed are close-ups of Israelis young and old doing tai-chi,adjustable levers motorcycle,motorcycle levers, fishing,adjustable handles, and running on the beach.“I just told Roy I wanted to show Israel in a different way than it’s usually portrayed. The clip is about how each person finds his own holy land – everybody’s got a point in the day when you find that place that means something to them,” said Gordon.“We’ve tried for so long to give the whole picture, and it hasn’t really paid off by bringing more tourists. I think it’s more effective to show it in a small, up close and personal way,Motorcycle Racing Parts,” he added.He’s hoping that the clip will be adopted by official Israeli bodies and ministries and is willing to travel the world promoting it and the country. Any takers?
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