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Inscrit le: 27 Sep 2011
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MessagePosté le: Jeu Aoû 22, 2013 1:38 am    Sujet du message: Gerry Brennan Répondre en citant

{Gerry Brennan}
Weatherfort,michael kors canada, Clogher,Michael Kors Handbags Outlet, ClaremorrisThe death occurred recently of Gerry Brennan of Weatherfort,Michael Kors Handbags Outlet, Clogher, Claremorris. Gerry passed away unexpectedly surrounded by his family following a two year battle with cancer. It was a battle that Gerry fought with great courage and dignity. Despite many setbacks he remained positive and fought the good fight. He was never down or defeated and was only concerned for those close to him throughout his suffering.The high regard that Gerry was held in was evident in the large crowds that attended his funeral. At the funeral Mass Canon Austin Fergus told the large gathering about Gerry’s life. He was a very welcome son for Thomas and Mary Brennan in May of 1956. Having lost three children in infancy they were delighted to have a healthy baby boy. Gerry grew up on the farm with his three brothers and they had many happy times. He attended the local national school in Ballyglass. Gerry attended secondary school in Ballinafad College or as Canon Fergus put it ‘he tried to attend’ as it wasn’t long until he was lured away from school by the attraction of farming and in particular cattle dealing.As well as travelling the country buying and selling cattle Gerry spent many years working in Niland’s cash and carry in Castlebar. Gerry had a wonderful way of dealing with people and his likable character made him an excellent salesman.As was the norm at the time Gerry enjoyed a lively social life. Driving to dances far and wide with his friends,Michael Kors Handbags, these were the times that Gerry often spoke about. It was at a dance in Westport that Gerry met his wife Mary and they married in 1981. They had four children and Gerry was very proud of each of them. He was not just their father but their best friend. Gerry devoted his life to providing for his wife and family he worked hard day and night on the farm. He was a regular at marts from Ballina to Ballinrobe to Maam Cross. Manys the night he travelled to the factory in Ballyhaunis with a load of sheep. In more recent years he attended horse fairs across the country with his sons and friends. These became more of a social gathering than an enterprise! In the summer months Gerry would do the hard task of shearing sheep for local farmers. Gerry was recognised as a hard worker and a respected farmer always wiling to help out others.Socially Gerry had many interests. In his younger years he played with Ballintubber GAA and went onto to support the club as well as attending matches involving the Carnacon and Mayo Ladies. He also had many days supporting Mayo in Croke Park. With the revival of the Ballyglass sports Gerry turned his hand to coaching. The Weatherfort tug of war team was formed and they competed strongly while been passionately encouraged by Gerry. With their children getting older Gerry and Mary found time to return to dancing. They had many enjoyable nights with their friends with Gerry driving them to and from the dance and inviting them in for tea after.Gerry loved having callers to the house. He enjoyed having a chat discussing current affairs,Michael Kors Outlet, politics, farming and the weather of course! Gerry was grateful to all his neighbours and friends that called especially during his illness. In a tribute to Gerry read at the funeral Mass his daughter Caroline acknowledged the many friends Gerry had from young to old and how welcome he made people in his home. She expressed the hope that these friends will continue to call so that they can share their fond memories of Gerry. Gerry was loved by all that knew him and is sadly missed. May he rest in peace.Share this page
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