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Inscrit le: 27 Sep 2011
Messages: 7915
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MessagePosté le: Ven Aoû 23, 2013 12:35 am    Sujet du message: Michael Kors Outlet Répondre en citant

Opposition corners government over composition of JPC on 2G spectrum issue,michael kors canada,michael kors canada
NEW DELHI: Government had to face some embarrassing moments in RajyaSabha on Thursday when the opposition forced it to agree for "wider consultations" with leaders of all political parties before appointing a new member in the joint parliamentary committee (JPC) on 2G spectrum in the vacancy in the panel caused by retirement of the DMK member Tiruchi Siva. Questioning a manner in which the government moved to induct new MPs into the JPC,Michael Kors Outlet,Michael Kors Outlet, the BJP and the AIADMK leaders rejected the motion seeking to appoint two members to the panel in place of Siva and Congress member EMS Natchiappan (who caused second vacancy after becoming a minister) and said the vacancy of a member from Tamil Nadu should ideally be filled with another member from the same state. The government in its motion proposed the names of Congress member P Bhattacharya and nominated member Ashok Ganguly to fill two vacancies. The Opposition members,Michael Kors Purses,Michael Kors Purses, however, objected to it saying they don't have any problem with the Congress member in the panel but the second vacant seat should go to the AIADMK which has more members (seven) than the DMK (six members) in the Upper House. They questioned the rationale of appointing a nominated member in the panel when the seat should conventionally go to any other member from Tamil Nadu. Government developed cold feet and agreed for wider consultation once the Opposition insisted that there has to be a "division through secret ballot on the motion" if government wants to go ahead with its original proposal. As the Opposition sought either the withdrawal of the motion or a division of votes through secret ballot in the House, deputy chairman P J Kurien deferred it for further discussion. Leader of opposition Arun Jaitely said the minister should have wider consultations on the issue as it is "not the same composition" as suggested by the government. "Otherwise there has to be a secret ballot" on the motion, he said. At this Kurien said, "We can defer it for wider consultation". Earlier, as soon as minister of state for parliamentary affairs Rajeev Shukla moved the motion, V Maitreyan of the AIADMK opposed it saying representation from Tamil Nadu in Rajya Sabha has changed and his party has now more members in the House. BJP members too said that when the Committee was set up, members were elected on the basis of the proportion of the representation a party had in the Upper House and now the government was trying to "change the composition of the Committee" in the name of giving representation to nominated members. Terming it "extraneous", the BJP member Ravi Shankar Prasad asked the government to "withdraw" it saying "we have serious doubts over the government's intention" with regard to its stand over the JPC on the 2G issue.
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