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Inscrit le: 27 Sep 2011
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MessagePosté le: Lun Aoû 26, 2013 1:43 pm    Sujet du message: The Japan Times Répondre en citant

As sun sets on summer, head to Bali festival
Bad news for some (kids) and good news for others (parents), summer vacation is down to its final weeks. If you haven’t traveled overseas or gone to the beach yet, visiting Enoshima this weekend will let you enjoy a little bit of both.Enoshima will attempt to transform into a miniature Bali for two days, where visitors will be surrounded by the Indonesian island’s cuisine and arts. Eight Balinese music and dance groups will perform over the weekend, including Ni Ketut Arini, one of the most famous classical dancers in Bali. There will be stalls of Balinese food and handcrafted goods such as Batik fabric for sale, along with a hands-on section for visitors to make their own incense and flower offerings. Some of the music and dance groups will perform at the Enoshima Samuel Cocking Garden,Michael Kors Handbags Outlet, a tropical flower garden that overlooks the sea and adds to the holiday mood.This summer marks the seventh year of the event and is also the 55th anniversary of diplomatic relations between Japan and Indonesia. With the support of the Indonesian Embassy and other organizations from the country,Michael Kors Handbags, the event has garnered a reputation among Japanese media of making visitors really feel like they are in Bali.The Enoshima Bali Sunset happens to take place during the Enoshima Toro,michael kors canada, an event that sees lanterns light up the whole island during the month of August — a summer tradition that is prevalent throughout Japan.The sight of lanterns may remind you that you’re in Japan, but the Enoshima Bali Sunset festival tries to come close to the feeling of Bali. Whatever country you’re thinking of, though,Michael Kors Outlet, nothing beats listening to a gamelan (Indonesian chimes and drums) with a cold drink on the beach.Enoshima Bali Sunset will take place at the Enoshima Sea Candle Event Stage in Fujisawa, Kanagawa Prefecture, on Aug. 24 and 25 (1 p.m.). Admission is ¥200 for adults, ¥100 for children. For more information, visit (in Japanese).
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