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MessagePosté le: Mar Aoû 27, 2013 12:14 am    Sujet du message: Mac & Cheese and so much more in cookbook from Cal Répondre en citant

{Mac & Cheese and so much more in cookbook from California restaurant}
There are few dishes more comforting than macaroni and cheese.A childhood favourite, this infinitely adaptable dish can easily appease most eaters, from those with finicky palates to eaters seeking something more luxurious and interesting.Sure, it’s essentially a simple combination of pasta and cheese melted into a béchamel sauce,michael kors canada,Michael Kors Outlet, but it’s so much more than just the sum of its parts.Homeroom, a California restaurant that has built its menu around this dish, has now come out with a cookbook of their recipes, from the Classic Mac to versions that use macaroni and cheese as a Shepherd’s Pie topper or include Dungeness crab in the ingredients.The book from Allison Arevalo and Erin Wade also includes side dishes and desserts served at the restaurant.The simply named Mac & Cheese Cookbook (Ten Speed Press) has 50 recipes in all, plus troubleshooting tips, suggestions for customization and lots of mouth-watering photos of most of their creations.A nice touch is each of the macaroni recipes comes with beer and wine suggestions.All the macaroni recipes start with a batch of the restaurant’s recipe for Mac Sauce — their term for a standard béchamel. It makes sense not to write it out each time, though I don’t love flipping back and forth between recipes when cooking. That could have been alleviated by me just concentrating on the Mac Sauce and then making the pasta dish, instead of trying to multi-task.When working in a high-volume restaurant like Homeroom, I’m sure it makes sense to make a giant batch of their Mac Sauce and then using it for individual cheese sauces, but this proved a bit clunky in practice at home. When I make homemade macaroni and cheese,Michael Kors Outlet, I typically make a batch of béchamel, then throw the cheese right in to melt before mixing it with the pasta in the pot it had been cooked in. The extra step of combining the cheese and sauce in another pot and then adding the pasta felt unnecessary.I also found it a bit perplexing that the basic Mac Sauce makes three cups, but every recipe except two (the Vegan Mac and Mac-Cakes) calls for only two cups of the béchamel. So, you’re left with one cup of Mac Sauce at the end every time. I would have preferred they scale the Mac Sauce recipe back so it made two cups and then I could use it all in my macaroni and cheese, instead of being left with a cup I now need to figure out what to do with. Mini version of macaroni and cheese, I guess?Although very tempted to try one of the dessert recipes (Peanut Butter Pie? Yes, please), it was only right to go with a title dish.I went for Classic Mac. Perhaps not very inventive, but I think a fair way to judge a dish is by stripping it down to the basics.Arevalo and Wade’s version uses two-year aged Cheddar and some Pecorino Romano, a salty, hard sheep’s milk cheese. Their version is a beautiful orange, no doubt from the Cheddar, but I could only find white Cheddar that had been aged two years, so mine looked nothing like that in the book. Not that it mattered.The combination gave the macaroni a rich,Michael Kors Purses, smooth sauce with lots of flavour, beautiful in its simplicity and, of course, very comforting.
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