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MessagePosté le: Ven Aoû 30, 2013 2:27 am    Sujet du message: Fiddler becomes first SK Grand Master Répondre en citant

{Fiddler becomes first SK Grand Master}
James Steele is a law student, a fiddler and — after the weekend — a Grand Master. The Saskatoon man recently became the first Saskatchewan fiddler to win the Canadian National Fiddle Championships, which were held in the city on the weekend.Steele said winning was a total, but happy, surprise.“I never thought in a million years I would come anywhere that close,” he said in an interview Monday.In addition to winning the title of Canadian Grand Master,Michael Kors Outlet, Steele also received a cash prize of $3,500.The Canadian National Fiddle Championships feature the best fiddlers from across Canada. About five performers from each province compete. In the first round, each performer plays four tunes and the judges narrow the field down to 11 fiddlers. After an evening performance of four new tunes, a Grand Master is chosen.Steele said it was a nerve-wracking experience, but it was nice to play for the hometown audience, which gave the Saskatchewan players a boost with some extra applause. He hadn’t played against many of the out-of-province fiddlers before and was blown away by their talent.“I’ll be the first to admit that a lot of them, especially the ones from Ontario where there’s a lot more fiddle contests, can do things that I couldn’t do in 100 years on the fiddle. Their tone, their technique is very impressive,” he said.Steele competed in the Canadian National Fiddle Championships for the first time four years ago in Ottawa. That experience helped him know what to expect this time around. He’s also more comfortable with the competition experience thanks to provincial and regional contests.This is the first time the event has been held outside Ottawa in its 24-year history.To win the competition, Steele played a selection of songs many people — even some of his fellow competitors — weren’t familiar with. He focused mainly on music written by veteran fiddler Calvin Vollrath and the western, old time style of music. Vollrath was also one of the judges at the competition.Steele said part of the reason a Saskatchewan fiddler has never won the competition before is because the province sends fewer performers to compete than Ontario does. That being said, Saskatchewan has a vibrant fiddling community, Steele said.“It’s good that it’s happened because before me there have been so many good players that have come from the west and this province,” he said.Steele, who is also in his third year of law at the University of Saskatchewan, is busy with school, but tries to book at least one performance per week.“It’s a way to unwind and do something that I really get a lot of enjoyment out of and, of course, it helps to pay tuition, so that’s good, too.”Steele started in classical violin but a teacher on his street, Everett Larson,Michael Kors Purses, fostered his love for fiddle. He’s been performing ever since.The Canadian National Fiddle Championships also has a People’s Choice award, which was awarded to fellow Saskatchewan fiddler JJ Guy. After receiving the most votes from the audience, he was given a hand-carved statue at the evening
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