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MessagePosté le: Ven Aoû 30, 2013 11:11 am    Sujet du message: hoxgbvjl-spun8 Répondre en citant

Former Liberwomen motorcycle helmetsal senator ordered in order to $230,000 in expensesAdd to ...
Senator Mac Harb is ordered to settle much more than $230,000 in expenses he claimed for the Senate during the past eight years, depending on Senator using some expense audits.Conservative Senator David Tkachuk, who chairs the Senate committee that ordered Mr. Harb’s audit, confirmed the number motorcycle fairing on Wednesday.More To do with this StoryLiberals call on Senate to clarify residency rulesAuditor-General, Senate committee mull timetable of expenses reviewSenator steps from expense audits for health reasonsCTV screengrabmotorcycle exhSportBike Leversaust from a photo that reportedly shows Senator Mike Duffy on the cruise at that moment he filed improper expense motorcycle racing partsclaims.videoVideo: Photo shows Senator Duffy away at time of expense claims: CTV reportThe Globe and MailVideoVideo: Chris vs Chris: Is Senate reform the best problem we haducati clutch coversve? (yawn)Edmonton MP Brent Rathgeber speaks about his decision to give up the federal Conservative caucus in St. Albert, Alberta on Thursday June 6, 2013.THE CANADIAN PRESSVideoVideo: Former Tory MP says PMO holds a lot sway over caucusMr. Harb is among three senators whose housing expense claims were transferred to another auditor for re motorcycle helmet view. The claimed an allowance to afford the buying price of maintaining a secondary residence in Ottawa, although auditors found that they spent lots of their amount of the nation's Capital Region.The Senate internal economy committee, which requested the audits, ordered each to repayrearsets tens of thousands of dollars in claims covering a two-year period. Mr. Harb was initially told he previously really have to repay about $51,000, yet the Senate warned at the time that his final bill could rise substantially once it had reviewed his expenses within the past seven years.The sum of the,Cheap Toms Shoes, which will come to $231,649.07, includes housing expenses, mileage and interest over an eight-year period.Mr. Harb resigned in the Liberal caucus last month and continues to sit for being an independent senator. She has testified that he plans fight the committee’s order to pay back the money the condition.Mr. Tkachuk announced Tuesday that he would step down as chair belonging to the Senate’s internal economy committee after a few days to focus on a preventative treatment he'll be receiving for cancer. They will still serve on the committee but is expected being replaced as chair by Conservative Senator Gerald Comeau.More Relatadjustable leversed to this fact StoryAdam DodekThe Senate is long overdue to comprehend a unique rulesexpense auditSenate repayment amounts from Harb, Wallin could rise by tens of thousandsWho has Harper appointed into the Senate? Celebrities, Tory staffers and law-and-order advocates
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