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Inscrit le: 27 Sep 2011
Messages: 7915
Localisation: England

MessagePosté le: Sam Aoû 31, 2013 11:15 am    Sujet du message: bzs1yash Répondre en citant

GEARBAG: Cortech Super 2,adjustable motorcycle levers.0 24L Tail Bag
When I first bought my Kawasaki Ninja 6 Orient Express Racing 50R I knew I wanted to do some touring riding on it, so I ordered a set of quick release locking hard luggage. But I didn’t order the matching top trunk because no matter how cool a sport bike looks, as s Racing Parts oon as you put a trunk on it, it makes the bike look like a Vespa scooter. I opted instead for a soft tail bag, which I leave on the bike all the time to carry my incidentals and rain g bar end mirror ear. But most of the tail bags on the market are equally ugly as a top trunk, and if you want something that has any capacity, they expand by getting taller, and again, ruin the lines of the bike. But Cortech has a line motorcycle helmet sale of soft luggage, the Super 2.0 Series, which has a Tail Bag that is sleek looking, and will hold 24 liters when expanded. And since the bag expands in width,adjustable levers, not height, it still looks great on the bike. The bag is crafted from heavy duty 1680 denier ballistic polyester and 1800 denier three-lined Jacquard weave side pockets with a polyester backing. The interior is lined in red, which is a great idea, since most of the stuff you put into a tail bag is black. The red makes it ea yamaha racing parts sy to spot your items when you search for them at the bottom of the bag. The main top-opening compartment, which uses a single one-way zipper that hides away when closed, is large enough to easily place bulky items into the bag. It has a handy top flap internal organizer pocket to stow maps or paperwork, pens cheap motorcycle jackets and a spare key. It also comes with a soft, removable neoprene base and plenty of quick-release mounting straps to make it easy to fit on virtually any motorcycle . . . and it removes in seconds. There is a comfortable rubberized carrying handle and shoulder strap, too. The tail bag is also designed to attach to the matching Cortech soft saddlebags if desired. Phoslite reflective striping and the Cortech logo add to your nighttime visibility. A waterproof rain cover is also included, and it has its own storage compartment when it’s not in use. The Cortech Super 2.0 Tail Bag retails for $109.99, which is a good Cycle Sector value for a bag of this quality. For more informatio Motorcycle Racing Partn and to find your nearest dealer, visit their website at
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