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MessagePosté le: Lun Sep 09, 2013 3:17 am    Sujet du message: FITNESS Garden variety fitness Répondre en citant

{FITNESS Garden variety fitness},[url=]Michael Kors Outlet[/url]
Garden variety fitnessHow to turn your garden into a gymPersonal TrainerPaul O'BrienAccording to Ken Ring, the New-Zealander who predicted our hot weather spell in July,[url=]Michael Kors Purses[/url], we can prepare ourselves for more of the same in the last week or so of August, and maybe even (dare we even think it) and Indian summer. So don’t pack away the BBQ, deck chairs and paddle pools just yet as you’ll likely be spending some more time in the garden this summer.If you do, taking some exercise will probably not be foremost in your mind. However, time in the garden offers a great opportunity to work on your fitness, without eating into your chill time. Using nothing more than your own body and whatever garden furniture you have available, you can easily work up a sweat, torch some calories and then lie back and enjoy your well-earned rest. And, of course, some refreshment!Most people do not think of working out in their garden because our mindsets are conditioned towards getting out on the road or taking to the local gym. As with most things in modern life, we have neatly packaged exercise away in its own special compartment, with specific places and ways of partaking in it. However, as I have said countless times in this column, exercise is simply movement. Giving our bodies the chance to move as they are designed to is in keeping with our nature and good for our health, body and mind.Family funSo the first step towards cultivating a fitter you in the garden is a mindset change. Look upon your exercise as play. You could, for example, set up a short obstacle course that requires everyone to run, jump, crawl, roll, skip, hop or any other movement that you can think of. Here the emphasis is on play and fun, while also moving the body through all its functional movements and getting a great work out. If you try it with your kids, see how long you can keep up with them. I guarantee you’ll be sweating after less than five minutes!Private gymIf you’re exercising alone, you can choose from hundreds of body-weight and aerobic exercises to design your own short workout. The emphasis should be on good-quality movement, exercising at an intensity that challenges you and keeping the time-frame short. Remember to have water available, rest when you need to and build up slowly. In hot weather it’s also wise to make sure you are well-covered up, taking care to wear a cap on your head especially. Here is a short sample routine you can try. Simply choose your level and give it a go:Exercises5 minutes skipping/light jogging or trampoliningBody-weight squatsPush-upsInchwormsDips (on a garden bench)Pull-ups (from a sturdy branch)Beginners should do two sets of 12 repetitions of each exercise above, resting for two to three minutes between sets. Alternatively,[url=]Michael Kors Outlet[/url], work for time, doing as many sets as you can in say five minutes.If your at an intermediate level should do either three sets of 12 of each exercise, or as many sets as you can complete in eight minutes.If you’re at an advanced fitness level, do either three sets of 15 of each exercise,[url=]Michael Kors Purses[/url], or as many sets as you can in 12 minutes.The routine will take you less than 15 minutes in total. Once finished, grab a refreshing beverage, a good book, assume a supine position on your sun lounger and take in some rays. And you haven’t moved outside your garden!Paul O’Brien is a personal trainer and life coach based in Westport.
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