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MessagePosté le: Lun Sep 09, 2013 3:18 am    Sujet du message: Skimmer from Bulgaria sentenced to four months Répondre en citant

{Skimmer from Bulgaria sentenced to four months}
~ Co-defendant acquitted ~PHILIPSBURG--One of two men from Bulgaria, accused of allegedly having placed skimming devices at several automated teller machines (ATMs) across St. Maarten, got away with four months, while the other was fully acquitted, it emerged Thursday.The Prosecutor's Office held Gani Sabev Hitrov (29) and S.H.E. (27) responsible for placing skimming devices and cameras at Windward Islands Bank (WIB) ATMs at St. Rose Arcade and Captain Hodge Wharf in Philipsburg, and at ATMs at Le Grand Marché supermarkets in Cole Bay and at Bush Road between March 7 and 16.Prosecutor Dounia Benammar had requested four-year prison sentences during the August 8 hearing.S.H.E. was tried in absentia, as he had been released on April 8, based on a "technicality," and sent home to Bulgaria. Judge Koos van de Ven acquitted him of all charges for lack of evidence.The Prosecutor's Office had claimed both skimmers had been caught in the act after a bank technician found that bank transaction data had been obtained illegally from the ATM at Captain Hodge Wharf. Hitrov was held by a security guard when he tried to place a skimming device at the ATM at St. Rose Arcade.The Prosecutor claimed the confiscated devices had obtained images of a large number of personal identification number (PIN) codes from bank cards inserted into ATMs. With these codes money can be "pinned" with any card provided with a magnetic strip, no matter what its nature.By placing a small camera in the ATM machine, which was directly aimed at the ATM's keypad,[url=]Michael Kors Purses[/url], images of the entry of PIN codes were obtained from the users of the ATM machine.Another device was used to read data contained in the magnetic strip of inserted bank or credit cards. "Capturing this information enables the owner of these devices to reproduce a working card. With these card(s) the owner of the devices can conduct identity theft in the form called 'skimming and harvesting,' resulting in stealing the funds available on the card," according to a police report.The Prosecutor's Office had charged both suspects with the cashing (harvesting) of money, but this was not the case, according to the Judge, as it could only be proven that Hitrov had been involved with skimming.It is common use for a team of fraudsters to come in to place the skimming devices,[url=]michael kors canada[/url], whereas usually other persons are involved with the actual harvesting, it was said during the hearing of this case.According to the Prosecutor, the two Bulgarians were members of a criminal organisation who had come to St. Maarten to obtain as many PIN codes as possible, which were to be "harvested" elsewhere in the world by others to empty bank accounts.However, the Judge also dismissed the claim that both men had been members of a criminal organisation, because it could not be proven that the level of cooperation had been sufficiently substantial and structural.Attorney-at-law Shaira Bommel had pleaded not guilty on behalf of her client Hitrov, who denied all charges.
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