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MessagePosté le: Lun Sep 09, 2013 3:50 pm    Sujet du message: VIDEO & SLIDESHOW: Aveva Répondre en citant

{VIDEO & SLIDESHOW: Aveva, ARM and music shop share awards night}
21/03/13 Kings College. Business Awards.Mike Richardson and John Simpson . Picture By Duncan Lamont .26 ImagesThe culmination of Cambridge Business Week tonight in the Great Hall at King’s College saw the city’s multi-billion pound businesses triumph alongside those with no more than a single high street store.The Cambridge News and Cambridge Business magazine Business Excellence Awards, hosted by the BBC’s John Simpson,[url=]Michael Kors Handbags Outlet[/url], was a glorious celebration of Cambridge’s wide selection of enterprises, from high tech giants on a global scale to the local piano shop.The Business of the Year title went to Aveva, the company which has quietly turned itself into a billion pound business,[url=]Michael Kors Outlet[/url], providing 3D software modelling for the construction of major plant around the world, and in shipbuilding.At the same time, special recognition was given to ARM for its outstanding contribution to Cambridge, and for that matter, the whole world, and to chief executive for the past 12 years, Warren East,[url=]michael kors canada[/url], who this week announced his retirement.Video ContentThis box contains video content. In order to view the video you require Flash Player Version 9 or above.Download Flash Player hereIf you are using an iPhone then click hereA special award was also made to Eben Upton and Raspberry Pi. Eben founded his not-for-profit company to handle his invention, a computer which can be bought for as little as £16, and which is designed to bring computer science back to life for the next generation.Tim Haynes, founder and chief executive of Nujira, the Cambourne company set to be another blockbuster in the telecoms sector, was named Business Person of the Year.Health foods ingredients wholesaler, Cambridge Commodities, an outstanding contender in the Small Business of the Year category, took the title, joining one of its customers,[url=]Michael Kors Handbags[/url], Sir Bradley Wiggins, in the gong stakes.Miller’s Music Centre was named Independent Retailer of the Year – the first to hold this new title in the News awards; while Bromium took the Innovation title for its game-changing technology to combat computer malware.The Employer of the Year title, another new award category, was won by Cambridge Consultants in a stiffly fought contest; and the TWI Award for technology engineering in international markets went to Ubisense.The Barclays Award for “a locally based businesses which has been trading for at least three years, with a minimum turnover of £5m and able to demonstrate their market strength in the current economic climate,” went to Z-Tech, the civil engineering and maintenance firm at Swavesey.More than 200 guests gathered for the sell-out occasion after a record number of entries for this year’s awards.Cambridge Business Week, which includes Business Weekly’s Awards, which were held on Tuesday night at Queens’ College, got off to a high profile start when Business Secretary Vince Cable attended the opening event at TWI on Monday.
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