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MessagePosté le: Mar Sep 10, 2013 12:38 am    Sujet du message: Sochi: Canadian Olympians weigh in on Russia's ant Répondre en citant

{Sochi: Canadian Olympians weigh in on Russia's anti-gay law}
Featured VideoClose More Video Olympic men's hockey team lace up sneakers instead of skates A boycott of the Sochi Olympics,[url=]Michael Kors Handbags[/url], something a handful of activists and athletes have called for, seems pretty unlikely. And,[url=]Michael Kors Outlet[/url], moving the 2014 Olympics to Vancouver — as George Takei, better known as Star Trek’s Lt. Sulu,[url=]Michael Kors Handbags Outlet[/url], and others have demanded — isn’t practical without the Starship Enterprise’s beaming technology.So, what is the right response to Russia’s anti-gay law and the possibility that Olympic athletes could face up to 15 days in jail and deportation for “propaganda” of non-traditional sexual relations?The Toronto Star posed this question to former and current Canadian Olympic athletes:Diane Jones Konihowski,[url=]michael kors canada[/url], pentathlete, 1972,[url=]Michael Kors Handbags[/url], 1976, 1980 Olympic team:“This is an IOC issue because this really does go against the Olympic charter of human rights. It’s a bigger issue than just countries talking about boycotts. This is something that the IOC has to work with the Russian government on.”John Craig, middle distance runner, 1980 Olympic team:“It’s too easy to say we should boycott the Olympics. When is someone else going to do something? It’s either right or it’s wrong and if it’s wrong everyone needs to respond. You can’t just say you guys can suffer but everyone else can carry on.”Clive Llewellyn, wrestler, 1976, 1980 Olympic team:“If there is a boycott, it should be of Russia, not of the Olympics . . . We ban Russian goods and we refuse to sell to Russia and we refuse visitors from Russia to Canada. But we attend the Olympics . . . to use the attendance of our athletes to propagate the condemnation of the injustices. If the issue is not worth those steps, then why is it important enough to speak about a boycott at all?”Mike Janyk, alpine skier,[url=]Michael Kors Handbags Outlet[/url], 2010 Vancouver,[url=]Michael Kors Outlet[/url], 2014 Sochi hopeful:“When you think about any problem in life when you back away, when you shy away, that’s not how you lead and that’s not how you rise up a movement . . . I’m not planning on going out of my way to do something, by any means, but I’m sure if someone hands me a little sticker or a rainbow flag or something like that, of course, there’s an opportunity to showcase that you’re for something.”Janet Nutter, diver, 1980 Olympic team:“We went to China. There were a lot of social issues in China and yes, the (2008 Beijing) Olympics didn’t solve them but they were able to bring awareness to some of them just because it was talked about. (Going to Sochi) would bring recognition to the fact that there is a huge social injustice happening in Russia.”Scott Cranham, diver, 1972,[url=]michael kors canada[/url], 1976, 1980 Olympic team:“As a gay man, it has been difficult to hear about Russia’s anti-gay legislation. As a member of the 1980 Olympic Team who did not attend the Moscow Games, it has been equally difficult to hear talk of another Olympic boycott. A boycott would only end up hurting our athletes, coaches, their families and friends. The Olympics is not the forum to educate against homophobia or any other global issue. There are many other avenues to do this.”More on amateur sportsEND
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