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Inscrit le: 27 Sep 2011
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MessagePosté le: Mer Sep 11, 2013 2:57 am    Sujet du message: Life Story: Demetrios Paschalis Répondre en citant

{Life Story: Demetrios Paschalis, ‘Jimmy the Greek,’ was an Ottawa institution}
Born: Feb. 19, 1927, on Kastellorizo, GreeceDied: Feb. 26, 2013, on RhodesDemetrios Paschalis,[url=]longchamp le pliage[/url], otherwise known as “Jimmy the Greek,” passed away in February on the island of Rhodes, Greece.He was born in 1927 on the island of Kastellorizo.He moved at a young age with his father Haralambos, mother Anthoula and siblings to the island of Rhodes.Demetrios had a passion for the sea. During the Second World War, he served in the Greek Navy and was taken prisoner by the Germans in 1943. He was freed two years later and sent to Italy.On his return to Rhodes, he became a policeman for two years and then rejoined the navy. In 1952 he joined the Voice of America.In 1954, he applied for immigration to Canada. He became the most popular taxi driver in Ottawa, having acquired regular customers with names such as Pierre Trudeau, Paul Martin, René Lévesque. It was then he earned the nickname “Jimmy the Greek”.On one of his many visits back to the homeland he met his wife, Katina. He later proposed to her by mail and they were married in Ottawa.Together they had three children.Demetrios was very active in the Hellenic Community of Ottawa and was known for his love of singing and dancing.“Jimmy the Greek” will be remembered for his zest for life.In 1971, he moved back to Rhodes for health reasons, where he continued his profession as a taxi driver. He became celebrated by many visiting the island of Rhodes as he was the most entertaining and knowledgeable host.Demetrios is survived by Katina, his son,[url=]longchamp sale[/url], Haralambos, two daughters, Anthoula and Despina, and many relatives in Greece and in Ottawa.“Jimmy the Greek” will be greatly missed by many family and friends.May he rest in peace.Nicholas Hatzitheodosiou
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