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Inscrit le: 27 Sep 2011
Messages: 7915
Localisation: England

MessagePosté le: Dim Sep 15, 2013 12:22 pm    Sujet du message: Stop distributing ‘magic pills’ Répondre en citant

{ Stop distributing ‘magic pills’ }
I READ with alarm “Schools push ‘magic’ pills” (The Star, Aug 29). How can the school authorities, if it is true, make pupils buy and take the so-called pills, whatever their benefits are? How can the teachers and the people involved distribute these pills to the innocent children? First, it is not the duty of the school to provide “vitamins and energy boosting pills” to the pupils. Yes, as reported, the duty of the teacher is to teach. Leave the food supplements job to the parents. Second, what makes a right thinking educator believe that pills can do the trick to get pupils’ attention in class? It is the right teaching approach and right teacher-pupil interaction or attitude that can do the job. There are no magic pills, please! Third, this whole issue is about making big profits for the pharmaceutical industry and individuals running the business. Please do not involve schools and teachers who, I believe,[url=]Woolrich Parka[/url], are just as vulnerable as the schoolchildren. Last but not least, this pill-popping thing is bad in that it is sending a wrong message altogether to schoolchildren. It can intrinsically lead to a society of pill- or drug-dependent schoolchildren. Isn’t it bad enough that dangerous drugs are said to be distributed to unsuspecting schoolchildren even within the school premises? I read about this in a Facebook posting that pills coated in fruit and what not flavours are going around and being passed on to the kids. Isn’t it true that some children who grew up to become drug addicts learned the evil habit through friends and drug vendors who came selling their evil products to unsuspecting kids? And what does it do to the “condemned” parents of these addicted children – they are living in a nightmare trying to bring their loved ones back to the right path. This is almost impossible, given the dismal situation of the drug problem in our society and the stigma on drug addicts. It is good to know that the Government and the law are looking at the drug-related offences in a holistic way by not treating drug addicts as criminals, i.e. by going after the pushers and dealers instead. A CONCERNED MOTHER Kuala Lumpur
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