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Inscrit le: 27 Sep 2011
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MessagePosté le: Ven Sep 20, 2013 1:25 am    Sujet du message: Canadian Embassy brings art to Sookmyung Universit Répondre en citant

{Canadian Embassy brings art to Sookmyung University}
The Canadian Embassy here has organized an exhibition showcasing 31 works of art from the embassy‘s collection at Sookmyung Women’s University Museum through Nov. 29.In addition to the embassy’s “Colours of Canada Exhibition: Canadian Modern Art Exhibition,” which showcases contemporary Canadian artworks, it organized two solo exhibitions by Korean-Canadian artists Jinny Yu and Choi Young-man being held in conjunction with the main exhibition.The embassy organized the exhibition as part of its many activities commemorating the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Canada and South Korea. The university described contemporary Canadian artwork as “abolishing the borders between abstract and concrete arts, modernizing in abstract ways the sublime beauty of Canadian nature as well as ritual elements in the art of native people,” according to the museum’s website.A variety of artistic genres such as painting, ceramics and photography are on display. The art depicts Canadian natural scenery, as well as the culture and art of the indigenous people, but also combines modernism, the museum said.This exhibition provides a good opportunity to understand current movements in Canadian art in parallel with international trends,[url=]longchamp le pliage[/url],[url=]longchamp sale[/url], but it also reveals Canada’s unique national identity,[url=]longchamp sale[/url], it said.For more information and directions,[url=]longchamp le pliage[/url], go to the museum’s website at or call (02) 710-9133.By Philip Iglauer (
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