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MessagePosté le: Ven Sep 20, 2013 11:32 am    Sujet du message: Life Lessons: Shannon Rogers Répondre en citant

{Life Lessons: Shannon Rogers}
Shannon Rogers, president and general counsel, Global RelayBy Emma CrawfordTue Sep 3, 2013 12:01am PSTShannon Rogers began her professional career working as a lawyer in Toronto. She invested a lot of energy in "acting like a lawyer" while conforming to the hierarchical environment of the big national law firm she worked for.But she said her personality didn't come through into her work because she didn't feel she could be successful if she wasn't playing the role she believed was expected of her."I can remember going to a meeting and thinking, 'Oh, I overspoke, I was too much myself.'"Rogers said that because she wasn't being authentic,[url=]longchamp le pliage[/url], she felt something was missing. In 2003, she realized this emptiness wasn't going away, and she decided she didn't want to be a lawyer anymore. She left law and joined Global Relay, a cloud technology provider of archiving and e-discovery for big data.The new company was still determining its culture and trying to get established. Rogers started to recognize that as much as the company's clients were buying into the services it was selling,[url=]longchamp sale[/url], they were also buying into the people and relationships that were formed as they worked together.She no longer thought in terms of "How should I act in this role?" and just started relating to clients in an authentic way."Quickly your personality comes out as you figure out how to make your business work, and you bring your skill set to the table," said Rogers. "You very quickly learn that to be successful, you can't be a conformist."By being herself, she was able to relate to clients in a more natural way, which increased their trust in the company.Today, Rogers is president and general counsel of the company, which now has 280 employees in five countries and counts several major financial institutions among its clients. Because the company stores critical data for clients, trust is a crucial component in its client relationships."We work with some of the biggest banks in the world, and how does a company like Global Relay from Gastown, Vancouver, become the trusted partner and the one holding the critical data of all these banks?" she said."You build up genuine relationships over time, and because of those, they give you more and more business, and it becomes a trusted, mutually beneficial relationship."Tags: law, entrepreneur, Global Relay
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