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MessagePosté le: Dim Sep 22, 2013 1:35 am    Sujet du message: Make Toby Land ineligible for parole for 15 years Répondre en citant

{Make Toby Land ineligible for parole for 15 years, Crown asks judge}
OTTAWA — An Aboriginal man who was sexually abused as a child should receive the minimum period of parole ineligibility for killing a roommate who had been in a sexual relationship with a teenager,[url=]Michael Kors Outlet[/url], a defence lawyer argued Monday.Toby Little Otter Land will receive a life sentence for second-degree murder in the May 2009 slaying of Dominic Doyon, but lawyer Anne London Weinstein argued Land should qualify for parole after a decade following a neglectful upbringing that included being raped by his father.While that didn’t excuse what Land did, it helped to explain why Land attacked Doyon when he came home to find his roommate with a 15-year-old girl, Weinstein argued.But a Crown prosecutor said the brutality of the “vicious and unrelenting” hammer and sword attack unleashed on Doyon was deserving of 15 years of parole ineligibility.“If Dominic Doyon engaged in illicit acts or improper behaviour with young girls, (Land) had available to him a slew of other approaches: calling the police, calling the security within the building, leaving the scene, taking the young lady away from there,” said David Elhadad. “He had other options available to him and he took matters into his own hands, unfortunately.”Land’s pattern of taking matters into his own hands — he has since pleaded guilty to another brazen attack on a fellow jail inmate he perceived as a child molester — made the longer sentence necessary to protect the public,[url=]Michael Kors Handbags Outlet[/url], Elhadad argued.Land testified during his trial that he confronted Doyon before launching the frenzied attack, which resulted in Doyon’s suffering 87 separate wounds. Doyon died after being stabbed with a Samurai sword.A second roommate, Carl St. Cyr,[url=]Michael Kors Handbags[/url], participated in the attack, and testified at trial that he was the one who stabbed Doyon with the sword, even though Land had initially admitted to police that he was the one responsible.Prosecutors argued at trial that it didn’t matter who stabbed Doyon, since Land would have known that the dozens of hammer blows could have resulted in Doyon’s death and was guilty of murder either way.Ontario Superior Court Justice Catherine Aitken is required by law to take into consideration Land’s Aboriginal background and what role that might have played in bringing him before the court when determining his sentence.Born to alcoholic parents who were both themselves sexually abused as children, Land was introduced to drugs and alcohol at a young age, was often left to fend for himself, and never received proper counselling for the sexual abuse he suffered at the hands of his father,[url=]michael kors canada[/url], Weinstein said.Land still suffers from flashbacks, nightmares and intrusive thoughts, Weinstein said.Elhadad agreed that Land’s upbringing was tragic but argued that didn’t excuse his betrayal of the defenceless Doyon.Land attacked Doyon in his own home, a home Doyon invited him into when Land had nowhere to stay, Elhadad said.Doyon “never had a fighting chance” in the “entirely one-sided attack,” argued Elhadad.Land is expected to be sentenced Oct. 16.
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