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MessagePosté le: Dim Sep 22, 2013 1:36 am    Sujet du message: upgrade later: Planning to get a newer iPhone Répondre en citant

{Sell now,[url=]Michael Kors Handbags[/url], upgrade later: Planning to get a newer iPhone? You’ll get the most for your old one if you sell now}
OTTAWA — If you’re looking to update your iPhone to the latest version due out this fall, you’ll need to move fast to unload your current model at a decent price,[url=]michael kors canada[/url], according to a new study.Released earlier this month by online retailer, the study found iPhones rapidly decrease in value in the days after a new model has been announced.Following the 2012 release of the iPhone 5,[url=]Michael Kors Outlet[/url], tracked the drop in selling price of the iPhone 4S on its website. It found that one week after a new iPhone launch, old iPhones drop about five per cent in value. After two weeks, the drop was about 12 per cent. By weeks three and four, old phones are worth about 20 per cent less than they were in the days leading up to a new phone announcement.According to the website,[url=]Michael Kors Handbags Outlet[/url], that means anyone looking to upgrade to the new iPhone model, which is expected to be announced Sept. 10, should sell their old phones now, when an iPhone 5 will be worth potentially $72 more than the estimated value three weeks after launch. (An older iPhone 4S would be valued at $46 more and an iPhone 4 would be worth $29 more now than three weeks after the next iPhone launch.) The downside is having to go phoneless until the new models arrive.Fans of Apple Inc.’s products are notorious for upgrading their phones to the latest offering from the company. More than 77 per cent of the early sales for the iPhone 4 came from existing iPhone owners, according to a study done by investment banker Piper Jaffray. That number fell to 31 per cent for the launch of the iPhone 5, which faced stiff competition from competing devices running Google’s Android operating system.Apple’s latest iPhone offering is expected to be called the iPhone 5S. The company may also announce a budget-priced version of the phone, which is expected to be called the iPhone 4C. Both of the phones are expected to be on store shelves sometime this fall.
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