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MessagePosté le: Dim Sep 22, 2013 8:44 am    Sujet du message: ‘It’s good for writers’ to be Répondre en citant

{‘It’s good for writers’ to be ‘slightly crazy,’ says Norwegian crime writer Jo Nesbo}
OSLO — There is an Edvard Munch exhibition in Oslo and the famous tormented figure from The Scream can be seen on every billboard and the side of every bus here. But there is one other face that almost matches his for ubiquity. The crime novelist Jo Nesbo gazes at me not only from billboards but also from the front covers of a score of commuters’ paperbacks.It is difficult to say which is the more prominent poster boy for art that depicts the angst lying beneath the placid surface of everyday life in Norway.In an earlier incarnation Nesbo was one of the most famous musicians in Norway, as a member of the band Di Derre (or Those Guys). And until a couple of years ago, he sported the long hair that befits an old rocker. Now, seeking to be less conspicuous, he has it cropped military-style.Indecently handsome at 53,[url=]Michael Kors Handbags[/url], he isn’t in the flesh quite the smouldering figure seen on those book covers, but although he is soft-spoken his piercing eyes command attention.Nesbo is a big deal in Norway. Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg is a fan of his and once told Nesbo that, while making small talk during his first meeting with the king, he had recommended Nesbo’s novel The Redbreast.“And the king said, ‘Oh really, what is it about?’ And unfortunately then he remembered it’s about a man who wants to kill the Norwegian royal family.”But he is hardly less feted throughout the rest of the world. He has sold more than 20 million books, and he tells me that in a couple of days’ time he will be having a meeting with Martin Scorsese,[url=]Michael Kors Outlet[/url], who is set to produce a forthcoming film of his novel The Snowman.It is not,[url=]Michael Kors Handbags Outlet[/url], he admits, normal practice in Norway for photographs of authors to adorn the front covers of their paperbacks. Does this rock star-cum-novelist feel that he is a brand?“Yeah I am, I am. And I don’t mind that,[url=]michael kors canada[/url],[url=]Michael Kors Handbags[/url], I realize that is what you become. But my daughter grew up with me being a well-known man,[url=]Michael Kors Outlet[/url], and I remember she would say that there was a picture of Jo Nesbo in the papers today, not Dad. And she said it ‘Jo-Nesbo’, like it’s one word. And that’s how I see it: Jo-Nesbo is the brand, and I’m the guy who is a dad or a brother or a bandmate.”I’m not sure how easy it is for him to maintain this attitude though,[url=]michael kors canada[/url], as a few minutes later a middle-aged woman bears down on our table in an Oslo coffee shop, brandishing a shiny new hardback fresh from the bookshop next door,[url=]Michael Kors Handbags Outlet[/url], which she requests him to sign for her daughter.He has not achieved this level of popularity by shying away from the darker side of the human mind in his portrayal of his heroes as well as his villains.Nesbo’s latest novel, Police, which boasts the customary ability to render attempts at work and sleep futile until it is finished, sees the return for the 10th time of his brilliant but wayward detective Harry Hole, a man so tortured by his inner demons that you feel he could have been the sitter for Munch’s painting.Here Harry finds himself contemplating infidelity, indulging in violent rape fantasies and questioning whether he can regard himself as morally superior to the serial killer he is hunting.
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