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Inscrit le: 27 Sep 2011
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MessagePosté le: Dim Sep 22, 2013 4:12 pm    Sujet du message: Revenue agency aims to improve tracking of employe Répondre en citant

{Revenue agency aims to improve tracking of employeemisconduct},[url=]Michael Kors Outlet[/url]
OTTAWA – The Canada Revenue Agency is in the midst of setting up a tracking system to prevent its employees from improperly – and potentially illegally – snooping through taxpayers’ files.The project has been two years in the making – it’s really two separate projects – and the agency says it won’t be fully implemented until 2016, by which time the CRA will be able to better detect fraud or misuse of taxpayers’ files by its own employees.The new system will be “many years ahead of what had been originally planned,[url=]michael kors canada[/url],” according to a briefing note to the commissioner of the revenue agency earlier this year. Once completed, the briefing note says, the CRA will have improved the technology it uses, to “align with industry standards and address recommendations of various audits.”That note, dated March 20 and titled “Integrity of the tax system: protect taxpayer information,” suggests creating an “enterprise fraud and misuse” program that includes automated processes to track the work habits of its employees and provide the results to managers. Senior officials in the agency approved the purchase of the necessary technology in June, a spokeswoman said, without providing spending details.The agency plans to log whenever employees go into taxpayers’ files through any access point in the agency’s network,[url=]Michael Kors Handbags[/url], and create a central database to track who has been allowed access to the agency’s sensitive systems, and who has lost that privilege,[url=]Michael Kors Handbags Outlet[/url], so that someone doesn’t wrongly gain access to CRA files.A copy of the briefing note was released to Postmedia News under the access to information law.View this document on Scribd
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