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MessagePosté le: Mar Sep 24, 2013 9:03 am    Sujet du message: Review: Anka brought some Vegas style to this year Répondre en citant

{Review: Anka brought some Vegas style to this year’s NAC Gala}
Paul AnkaNAC Gala benefiting the National Youth and Education TrustSoutham HallReviewed Saturday, Sept. 21OTTAWA — The self-proclaimed Bayswater Boy brought down the house Saturday with a slick and entertaining performance that brought the best of Las Vegas to Southam Hall.Paul Anka, every bit the polished performer,[url=]womens moncler down coat[/url], ran through his own hits, including Diana, You Are My Destiny, Lonely Boy and Put Your Head On My Shoulder. The obviously appreciative crowd welcomed these hits with open arms and with their own singing voices. The audience was ready to fill in the lyrics whenever Anka asked.In typical Vegas style, he schmoozed the crowd, snapping selfies with his fans, dancing with the ladies in the front row and teasing their male seatmates.This concert followed the release last spring of his memoir which detailed a musical career that has intersected with many of the musical greats of the modern era from Chuck Berry and Buddy Holley to Frank Sinatra and Sammy Davis Jr.He also sprinkled into his performance some of the songs that he wrote for other singers that were big hits; She’s A Lady for Tom Jones and for Holly, It Doesn’t Matter Anymore. He wrote that tune just before Holly died tragically in a plane crash.And, of course, he sang My Way, the song he wrote for Frank Sinatra at the time when the chairman of the board was set to leave the music business.Overall Anka delivered a spirited and playful performance ably backed by a strong 15-member band led by Jon Crosse, who plays a mean alto saxophone,[url=]discount moncler jackets[/url], and featuring a striking blonde violinist named Eliza James.Anka, who maintains a strict diet and exercise regime, looked fit as a fiddle throughout his strenuous set, and his voice shows none of the effects of time. Despite the fact that he is now 73 years old, his vocal range is wide and his delivery is powerful.In all it was a pretty spectacular homecoming for Anka who hasn’t always had the greatest reception in his hometown. Surely that is well past him now.The first half of the evening was devoted to showing off the talents of two of the young musicians that have been helped over the years by the $8.5 million raised at the 17 Galas. Saturday night’s total was $678,000.Jean-Phillipe Tremblay, who is a graduate of the Summer Music Institute (SMI), conducted the National Arts Centre Orchestra with panache through three pieces; the Overture to Die Fledermaus by Johan Strauss II; the Prelude to Der Meistersinger von Nürnberg by Richard Wagner; and the Concertino for Clarinet in E-flat major, Op. 26 by Carl Maria von Weber. Tremblay, who is music director of the Orchestre de la Francophonie,[url=]moncler outlet[/url], was joined on the Weber, by 19-year-old Eric Abramovitz, who is another participant in the SMI.The young clarinetist delivered a virtually flawless and seemingly effortless performance.The Gala has always been a focus for the spouses of prime ministers. Laureen Harper is a very active supporter and before her Sheila Martin and Aline Chrétien. The event also draws many members of the political class, who add some gravitas to the event. This year,[url=]moncler on sale[/url], however, there were fewer politicians because Parliament is not in session.
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