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MessagePosté le: Mer Sep 25, 2013 3:46 am    Sujet du message: Speculation mounts over BlackBerry’s Asian event Répondre en citant

{Speculation mounts over BlackBerry’s Asian event}
Featured VideoClose More Video BlackBerry shareholders say U.S. market is biggest challenge Apple, Time Warner Cable in Talks IOS7 Unveiled at Apple's WWDC: Flat Out Fabulous? Original Apple 1 Computer Sold for Nearly $700K BlackBerry Ltd. has sent invitations to an event in Malaysia Wednesday where the company could offer details about the imminent launch of its BlackBerry Messenger app across rival Apple and Android mobile devices. Speculation about timing of the cross platform BBM release was spurred this week by an ad aired during broadcast of reality game show the Amazing Race Canada that said BBM for iOS and Android is “coming soon.” The spot follows CEO Thorsten Heins’ announcement in May that the popular real time social messaging app would be available globally on Android and Apple by the end of summer. It also comes in the wake of Samsung Mobile’s early August statement that BBM will soon be available for free download in the Google Play and the Samsung App store for Samsung Galaxy smartphone consumers across Africa. The companies have agreed to joint marketing efforts to showcase BBM for Android to mobile users across the continent; with analysts saying it’s likely the Samsung partnership will be expanded ultimately across global markets.A spokeswoman for Waterloo-based BlackBerry confirmed only that invitations were sent to the Asia press event under the heading, “To find out how to make every conversation feel like you’re there,” but declined comment on just what would be announced.In addition to the BBM rollout observers said the company could unveil it latest, biggest smartphone, the 5-inch Z30, a touchscreen handset operating on the BB10 platform that may debut in Asia followed by a U.S. launch within the next three weeks. The event might also detail release specifics for the BlackBerry 9720 handset on the legacy BB7 platform which is launching in countries across the region including India.Leaks over the summer suggest the Z30 will carry active-matrix organic light-emitting diode display technology, a dual-core processor with 2GBs of memory and an 8-megapixel camera. The online speculation says BlackBerry will ship a leather-backed case with features such as device sleep-wake similar to Apple’s Smart Cover technology.The flagship Z30 is seen as taking over from the company’s high end, 4.2 inch display BB10 Z10, moving the handset and the keyboard centric Q10 to the mid-tier, with the BlackBerry Q5 offered as an entry-level smartphone. The new device will likely feature an updated version of the BB OS called 10.2 that could also be unveiled at the Kuala Lumpur event and in announcements in other regions. A fall Z30 launch would follow Apple’s unveiling last week of its new iPhone 5s featuring finger scan security technology and the lower tier iPhone 5c,[url=]Michael Kors Outlet[/url], both running an updated iOS 7 platform. The phones will go on sale at 8 a.m. local time on Friday at Apple retail stores and at 3:01 a.m. EDT at the Apple Online Store. The devices are being rolled out in markets including Australia, France and China and will be available in Canada via Bell, Rogers,[url=]michael kors canada[/url], Telus, Virgin mobile, Fido, Koodo mobile and select Best Buy, Future Shop, Target and Walmart stores and Apple authorized resellers.A new BlackBerry handset would follow disappointing sales for BlackBerry’s next generation devices on the BB10 OS that have failed to slow a plunge in market share amid competition from Apple and a raft of devices on the Android OS. BlackBerry in August said it was exploring strategic alternatives that could involve a partnership, a break up or outright sale.MORE IN THESTAR.COM:BlackBerry admits its turnaround has failed: OliveFive things that cost the BlackBerry its dominance
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