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MessagePosté le: Lun Sep 30, 2013 2:39 pm    Sujet du message: 'Floating' patio option aimed at boosting sales an Répondre en citant

{'Floating' patio option aimed at boosting sales and making better use of space},[url=]moncler down jackets[/url]
Heather Hospitality Group owner Sean Heather: “it's not enough to have good food at a good price and good service. You have to have something else”|PHOTO © Dominic SchaeferBy Glen KorstromTue Jul 16,[url=]moncler sale[/url], 2013 12:01am PSTCity council's push for bigger restaurant patios with longer operating hours has spawned a pilot project in Gastown that allows a restaurant's patio to be separated from its kitchen by a public sidewalk.Vancouver council plans on July 23 to debate mayor Gregor Robertson's motion to have city staff work with industry to devise "revenue-neutral" proposals for increasing "patio hours and space for establishments that have a track record of good behaviour."Robertson told Business in Vancouver that the he'd like to see the Gastown patio pilot expanded to other restaurants in the city. It allows Heather Hospitality Group owner Sean Heather to operate a patio separated from his premises by a public sidewalk."Patios that are separated by a sidewalk from the establishment are one of many kinds that I would like staff to review,[url=]discount moncler jackets[/url]," Robertson told BIV before cautioning that approval would also have to come from B.C.'s Liquor Control and Licensing Branch (LCLB).B.C.'s liquor regulations prohibit servers from entering non-licensed areas while carrying drinks. Under the pilot,[url=]moncler down jackets[/url], Heather's staff are allowed to carry alcoholic drinks from his licensed Rainier Provisions restaurant across the unlicensed public sidewalk to the licensed patio at the corner of West Cordova and Carrall streets."I've been in business 18 years and have never had a single liquor infraction," Heather told BIV. "The city and the LCLB came together and decided that I'd be the guy to test this out."If the experiment with Heather fails, it is unlikely that city council and the LCLB will want to roll out similar patios across the city next summer.Heather calls the patio "Paris-style" because separated sidewalk patios are common in Europe.He would like to have similar patios at some of his other restaurants,[url=]moncler outlet[/url], where obstacles restrict the size of patios that adjoin his establishments.His Salty Tongue restaurant has only two outside tables because a fire hydrant and a manhole cover prevent him from creating a larger outside eating space.Heather said that if he were allowed to create a patio separated from the Salty Tongue by a sidewalk, he could have a larger patio and pedestrians would not be impeded."By allowing patios to float away from the building,[url=]moncler outlet[/url], it potentially offers way more options for patios around the city than there are currently," Heather said. "It's not enough to have good food at a good price and good service. You have to have something else."The biggest increase in new patios is for large patios and rooftop gardens.Over the past five years,[url=]moncler on sale[/url], the number of small, unlicensed and unenclosed patios in Vancouver has remained stalled at about 260. However, according to city statistics,[url=]moncler on sale[/url], the number of large patios has risen 19% to 317 in 2012 from 267 in 2008.Tags: Gregor Robertson,[url=]discount moncler jackets[/url],[url=]moncler sale[/url], beverage, food, Liquor Control and Licensing Branch
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