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MessagePosté le: Lun Sep 30, 2013 2:57 pm    Sujet du message: Abilities in Mind launches new pilot program Répondre en citant

{Abilities in Mind launches new pilot program}
Mark Gruenheid, project manager for AIM believes that persons with disabilities are worth considering as employees|Dominic SchaeferBy Larissa LaFranceTue Apr 16,[url=]moncler outlet[/url], 2013 12:01am PSTWhen baby boomers reach retirement age, Canada will be hit with a labour shortage,[url=]moncler on sale[/url], and employers will look to other demographics to fill job openings. One of those demographics will be persons with disabilities,[url=]moncler down jackets[/url], a group of people that has a 20% higher unemployment rate than the general public."We're at a point in time where disability is being recognized more by employers,[url=]moncler sale[/url],[url=]moncler down jackets[/url]," said Mark Gruenheid, project manager at Abilities in Mind (AIM).AIM is a program funded through the National Opportunities Fund of Human Resources and Skills Development Canada (HRSDC) as part of a larger government initiative to promote the hiring of persons with disabilities. Its mission is to serve businesses by providing educational resources and consultations to employers in hopes to inspire companies to hire and retain employees with disabilities. "The purpose of what we're doing is to try and to put a different frame around disability. To say a person with a disability can be a productive employee. They are,[url=]discount moncler jackets[/url], in fact, people with abilities," said Gruenheid. "Disability can often be accommodated or even overlooked because people with disabilities can be very capable."In 2011 AIM put in a request to Service Canada through the opportunities fund and was granted three years of funding. This funding went into the creation of a pilot program in the form of a train-the-trainer style manual for businesses."It can be used by companies at various levels all the way from entry level … all the way up to management and directors," said Gruenheid. "We tested it with employers and various groups and it should be ready to roll later this spring."The manual was developed with the assistance of AIM's two advisory committees. One committee is comprised of AIM's business partners,[url=]moncler sale[/url], human resources representatives from companies such as London Drugs, Shangri-La Hotel, Safeway and TD Canada Trust."[For employers], using scenarios was important," said Luisa Gil,[url=]moncler on sale[/url], human resource manager at the Shangri-La Hotel. "When you're training, [using scenarios] as examples allows people to learn a little easier."Gil has been on the AIM advisory committee representing the Shangri-La Hotel for over a year now. Currently there are five people employed at the hotel who have disclosed that they have a disability."Something that was important to us [as employers], was a little bit of flexibility as to how we chunk it into different days or modules," said Gil. "So that was important for how we were going to deliver it."AIM's other advisory committee is comprised of persons with disabilities who have been successful in the workforce, like Anu Pala the founder of A-Nu Vision, a coaching and consulting company."We discussed it as a committee in terms of what kinds of things would be included [in the manual]," said Pala, who has been with AIM since it began over a year ago. "I think it's going to be a very powerful tool, because it's not just a piece of literature that people can read. It has actual interactive exercises."Some of the topics the manual will discuss includes the disclosure of a disability, attracting candidates with disabilities,[url=]moncler outlet[/url], becoming more confident around disability issues and interviewing etiquette, such as what can and cannot be asked."I think [the manual] will resolve some unanswered questions that a lot of people have and sometimes are afraid to ask,[url=]discount moncler jackets[/url]," said Pala. "We live in this world where we're trying to be so politically correct … that questions are not really answered."The manual and other services provided by AIM don't require any monetary commitment. "What we ask in return is that the businesses support our events, our awareness campaigns and provide assistance if possible," said Gruenheid. "We like to promote the businesses as being forward thinking in this regard. We're happy to display their logo and talk about them at events.""The Abilities In Mind program is very open to meeting with employers," said Pala. "So I would encourage employers to contact the team at Abilities In Mind and find out how we can support them in their recruitment and retention."Tags: demographics, human resources, employee, employer
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