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MessagePosté le: Lun Sep 30, 2013 3:33 pm    Sujet du message: Ask the experts: How can I break into internationa Répondre en citant

{Ask the experts: How can I break into international markets,[url=]moncler sale[/url]?}
Doug Taylor,[url=]discount moncler jackets[/url], Richard Cottel and Pierre ChoquetTue Mar 19, 2013 12:01am PSTDoug Taylor: Managing director,[url=]moncler sale[/url],[url=]moncler down jackets[/url],[url=]discount moncler jackets[/url], Pacific Business Intelligence Ltd.Many small companies get caught up in the excitement of international sales without doing the research and planning that will help them be successful. Here are some key questions to ask.•Should you be there? You need to evaluate the market opportunities through detailed market research. What are the key factors that will determine your success? These could be increased sales, new partnerships or new suppliers. You must also identify who your key competitors are (probably not the same competitors you face in your own country).•How do you get there?Once you have decided on the international market(s) you want to enter, you have to decide on the most appropriate entry strategy. Will it be to simply set up a distribution or agency agreement? Will you partner or joint venture with a company or purchase a company in the market?•Know the cultureCulture plays an integral role in all business relationships,[url=]moncler outlet[/url],[url=]moncler on sale[/url], and you have to understand how this works.•It costs moreBudget for expenses that you don’t normally incur. These include travel and business development expenses.•Best customersYour market analysis should identify customers. It is easier to pick “low-hanging fruit” than go after customers that will take a great deal of effort to bring on board.•The final pushDo you have all the proper forms, documents and government approvals? You will need to ensure you have a foreign exchange process in place to repatriate profits. You will also need to talk with your bank or a government agency such as Export Development Canada (EDC) about financing and payment insurance.Competition in the global market is intense. You will need to bring something different or innovative that allows you to compete with and beat your competition.Richard Cottel: Senior vice-president of commercial banking for B.C., HSBC CanadaThe world’s fastest-growing economies are in emerg-ing countries, and opportunities for Canadian firms looking to grow their business abroad look extremely attractive. But to be successful, it requires careful planning, research and some big decisions.Here are five actions to take when growing your business internationally:1. Know your market. Narrowing the markets to those most receptive to your goods or services is the first step in expanding your business internationally. Once you see which geographies really provide opportunity, then you have to look to see which ones are the best fit for what you do and what their needs are.2. Not just for widgets. The need for consulting services is just as in demand as the market for more tangible goods and exports. Other countries see value in the research-focused skills many Canadian companies have to offer.3. Build a team. Build a winning team by surrounding yourself with people who have done business internationally and who can help you understand the process. This team should include an accountant who has worked with companies internationally,[url=]moncler down jackets[/url], an international bank, a lawyer, insurance agents and a freight forwarder if you plan to export hard goods.4. Think locally. Once a team is assembled and you have picked a market to enter, research the local laws and trade regulations. You also want to understand the economic conditions overall. Is this a market that is growing or is it contracting? Also, understand the political environment, because it can be very different from Canada.5. Build an e-toolbox. Online business banking tools offer a flexible range of options from basic connectivity to robust integration. Consider using a globalized Internet banking platform to link trade receivables, streamline cash management and treasury operations,[url=]moncler outlet[/url], ease document flow, minimize risk and reduce costs.Pierre Choquet: Vice-president of sales, RST Instruments Ltd.It used to be that only established companies with established names would consider exporting. This has all changed with today’s availability of so many export tools and the evolution of mentalities, not only in our country but in the countries where we are attempting to export.So how do you get started?Well, some things haven’t changed: you need a good product and a competitive price. I’ll let you take care of that part. You might think that you first need to have sold your product nationally and established a great reputation before attempting to export. It wouldn’t hurt but it’s not necessarily true. As we’ve all heard, “no one is a prophet in his own land,” so you might discover your product attracts more interest elsewhere for any number of reasons.How do you make contacts?Your website, a presentation at an international conference, attending a trade show, writing a column in a well-targeted publication, trips to meet prospective distributors and customers, Google Adwords: these are all good tricks. Should you always use distributors or agents? Yes and no. You can vary the mix. Don’t make commitments at the beginning. See what works. Remember not everyone speaks perfect English. Try to understand the culture of the country.How do you make the sale?If possible, ask for payment at time of shipping or consider EDC receivables insurance. Forget bonds or letters of credit unless you have to. With some luck, your customer is thinking the same as you and prefers to avoid the paperwork. Be firm on payments. Ask your customers to appoint their own freight forwarder: they will be in control of freight charges and customs clearing.Tags: law, internet, Export Development Canada, regulation, joint venture,[url=]moncler on sale[/url], bonds, exports, insurance
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