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MessagePosté le: Lun Sep 30, 2013 3:44 pm    Sujet du message: Ask the experts: What apps do you consider essenti Répondre en citant

{Ask the experts: What apps do you consider essential tools for your business,[url=]moncler down jackets[/url]?}
Kyla Ray, Greg Bobolo and Eric HoganTue Sep 3, 2013 12:01am PSTKyla Ray: Co-founder, creative director and communications director, Port and QuarterSocial media is an integral part of any modern business model – especially for smaller, independent companies. We use it to communicate with our network and for the vast majority of our marketing, through such platforms as Twitter, Instagram, Facebook and Pinterest. We blog, we tweet, and – being an interior design company – visual images are a key part of our identity and branding.In terms of apps, our top three most used are: Instagram: one of the few social softwares that were designed specifically for the iPhone versus the computer, and we often use it when we're on site. We like to show our clients and followers what our progress and process is; it keeps things transparent and builds our brand. It also entices more interest in upcoming projects and acts as a subtle, but effective, marketing tool.Pinterest: in the same visual-marketing vein, Pinterest is a great way of capturing online interest and attention on the go. We intend to move into e-commerce in the future,[url=]moncler down jackets[/url], so building our presence on a broad spectrum (and not only locally) is an important consideration. "Secret boards" are a slick way of communicating our vision for a project with clients; they can give feedback directly,[url=]moncler on sale[/url], we can update it constantly and it is easily accessible to all. It is also an incredible timesaver in that it acts as the new "bookmarking": we can create a customized online "catalogue" of products we like from our suppliers' sites, versus having to wade through hundreds of items each time just to find those we like.Milebug: records our mileage for all of our client meetings,[url=]moncler sale[/url], site visits, etc. It lets you track the purpose of each of your trips, and then provides printable reports – perfect for when tax time comes around.Greg Bobolo: CEO, SendtoNewsMy phone is no longer my second screen. It is absolutely my first screen, and as far as the app world goes I have a tonne of apps on my phone, but these apps are (in no particular order) all critical to my business.Skype: I use it to keep in touch visually with my family; it also keeps costs to a minimum when chatting with the office overseas.Seatguru: seats matter in airplanes. This helps me select the best possible seat on my flights. Detailed plane maps created by travellers point out perks, like in-seat outlets and extra legroom.LinkedIn: this social business network keeps me current with my professional contacts and syncs with my phone's calendar so I can stay on top of meetings.CardMunch: a must-have business card reader – point,[url=]moncler outlet[/url], shoot and click your camera on the card and it's off to India for transcription and back in a day.SignEasy: critical app for signing documents on the go. Every exec should have this app. Read, sign with your finger and return the signed secure PDF to get your deal done fast and on time.Flipboard: a social news magazine syncing with my Forbes, Tech Crunch, Techvibes, the New York Times, Business in Vancouver, Twitter and LinkedIn.Yahoo Sports: this keeps me current with our SendtoNews partners in more than 70 professional sports leagues on four continents, including NASCAR, Formula 1 and Wimbledon.Airline apps (British Airways, Delta, United, Alaska, Virgin, American Airlines,[url=]moncler on sale[/url], Air Canada): crucial for any business traveller,[url=]moncler outlet[/url], no matter what your schedule.Prezi: you're never walking around without a deck with Prezi mobile. Your elevator pitch just got better.Eric Hogan: Managing director, Hogan Millar Media and executive producer, Two Story ProductionsWe service clients across North America so having a cloud solution like Dropbox is essential for us. It lets us put all our project files – schedules, scripts,[url=]discount moncler jackets[/url],[url=]moncler sale[/url], brand assets,[url=]discount moncler jackets[/url], style guides, photos, videos – on a secure cloud where our team can access, share and edit them from anywhere.Dropbox was crucial to our success working for the BC Liberals during the provincial election. Our production team was able to upload rough cuts of ads through Dropbox where I could view them on my iPhone and quickly share them with the client. It helped us stay nimble and iterate the ads quickly as the campaign strategy evolved.Another crucial app is Digg, a newsreader that curates the most talked-about stories on the web. It's essential for staying on top of cultural and political trends. Using Digg's streamline and clutter-free interface, I check into this app multiple times throughout the day.On a more subtle and personal level, Instagram is an essential tool. The pace of business and media production can be unrelenting; this simple and elegant photo-sharing app forces me to stop and take notice of the visual and esthetic world around me. Looking through a camera lens is an opportunity to see things as they are. It jolts me out of reactive, rigid mental patterns and into a more mindful state. This affects the quality of our creative work, which has big benefits for our clients.Tags: New York Times, software, social media, entrepreneur
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