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MessagePosté le: Lun Sep 30, 2013 3:48 pm    Sujet du message: Ask the experts: What should I think about when ch Répondre en citant

{Ask the experts: What should I think about when choosing a name for my business,[url=]moncler on sale[/url]?}
Andrea Shillington, Karley Cunningham and David ChTue Mar 26, 2013 12:01am PSTAndrea Shillington: Founder and owner, Brands for the PeopleChoosing a name for your business can be quite frustrating. Everyone has a different opinion, and it’s particularly challenging when there is more than one decision-maker involved. I’d like to outline a simple process to make this easier for you so that you can choose a business name that both reflects the reputation you want to build and is search-engine friendly.First, get clear about your brand early on. New businesses often skip this step, and it leads to costly rebranding. I recommend writing out your brand strategy, which includes your purpose, vision,[url=]discount moncler jackets[/url], values,[url=]moncler down jackets[/url], positioning and tagline. If you’d like step-by-step instructions on how to do this check out these free branding tools: Secondly, you will need to brainstorm an extensive list of names. Record everything; there are no bad ideas at this stage. In this online world, many of the descriptive names like British Airways have already been taken,[url=]moncler outlet[/url], so I’d recommend considering names that are out of the box like Yahoo or invented words like Facebook. You can usually find an available URL for these types of names,[url=]moncler on sale[/url], and they have the added benefit of standing out from the competition.Don’t pressure yourself to say everything about your business in the name. You will have a tagline and other key messages that will help you communicate what your business does and why it’s different. It’s also a good idea to do some online research to see how many relevant searches show up for your potential business name. You especially want to avoid any competitors in your field with similar names or URLs.Finally, before going to market, ask your lawyer to do a trademark search. Building a famous brand is a journey of courageous authenticity. Names aren’t born famous; they are made famous.Karley Cunningham: Creative strategist, Big Bold BrandBusiness owners are often surprised about the amount of work and patience required to create and select a name for their business.Here are some tips to help you find the best fit.•Don’t fall in loveAllow yourself the opportunity to consider an array of possibilities and don’t fall in love with a name early in the process. Separate yourself from emotion and lean on process to help you discover the best fit. Be patient. Finding a name that is right, and available, can take time. If you’re hiring a company or consultant that specializes in naming, it can take anywhere from three weeks to three months to finalize a name.•Brand before nameA lot of people will tell you that your business name is the most crucial element of your company or brand. I disagree. While important, your name is only as strong as the overall brand you build to support it. Before brainstorming ideas for your business name, start by building out the other elements in your brand platform. Often the name, or solid possible options, organically appear during the process of building your brand.•Know what your name needs to doCreate a set of objectives that the name must achieve. Measure your top five to 10 possible names to ensure they meet the needs of your business and prospective clients.Using the objectives as filters, narrow the options down to a top three list to send to your trademark agent to run a preliminary availability search.•Involve only those at the topMaking your naming process inclusive is a bad idea. The more people you involve,[url=]moncler down jackets[/url], the more alienation you risk when you don’t choose the one they recommended. This makes it harder to gain buy-in and develop excitement around the chosen name, and you want and need all that enthusiasm for your launch.David Childs: Brand strategist, Living BlueprintRenaming an established company can be just as challenging as choosing a name for a new business. If you have been around for a while and find yourself at an impasse with your brand and company name, what do you do?If it’s done without enough planning and the right professional help, people might think the company was sold,[url=]moncler outlet[/url], went bankrupt or changed markets. What if this isn’t the case and it is a really positive move forward?The first thing to do is gain a realistic view of your company and all its components. Is everything in alignment with who you are and where you are going?Who you are: core values, team spirit and focus. If you are a unique company striving to become a recognized leader, having a distinctive meaningful name can be a real asset.Where you are going: Sony was once called Tokyo Tsushin Kogyo. This name was important to the company and to Japan but had little meaning to the world.There are many reasons to change your name,[url=]moncler sale[/url],[url=]moncler sale[/url], but this usually happens when a company starts to deeply understand who and what they are and how they want people to perceive them so they can move forward.Renaming and repositioning can be costly and will require time. The older your company is, the longer and more expensive it will be. You may be tempted to do this on the cheap – but you stand to lose more in revenue than you could ever spend doing it properly. Get outside help. A skilled consultant might be able to help with the business case for the change. From there, look for an agency with a strong naming track record and don’t be afraid to call their clients to ask questions.The last thing to do is create an internal and external communication strategy focusing on why this is a positive move and how it will benefit everyone – not just you.Tags: research, strategy and marketing, Japan, Tokyo, British Airways PLC, Facebook Inc,[url=]discount moncler jackets[/url], Sony Corp., Yahoo! Inc.
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