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MessagePosté le: Lun Sep 30, 2013 6:09 pm    Sujet du message: Bright future: Bosa Properties planned Evergreen t Répondre en citant

Bright future: Bosa Properties planned Evergreen tower in Coquitlam broke ground last week; it’s just one of the $15.1 billion worth of residential projects planned for the province in 2013By Peter MithamTue Mar 12, 2013 12:01am PSTRising intentionsWhile the development industry has been looking to 2013 with caution, Statistics Canada’s annual forecast of public and private investment intentions flags housing as a bright spot.While investment intentions in British Columbia “flatline in 2013,” in the words of Central 1 Credit Union,[url=]moncler down jackets[/url], as the resource sector activity scales back, housing ranks as a “positive driver” with investment in residential construction up 3.6% from 2012.Put in hard numbers, that amounts to $15.1 billion versus actual spending last year – according to StatsCan’s preliminary estimate – of $14.6 billion. The tally outstrips the intended investment in housing reported last year of $14.4 billion.Whether or not actual spending again exceeds intentions this year is another matter.With many developers expressing caution about housing markets, and the statistics themselves showing that spending in 2011 fell a billion short of the $14.9 billion forecast, a grain of salt wouldn’t be out of order.However, this year’s numbers do indicate a general sense of optimism among builders in a context of slower provincial growth.“Central 1 expects tempered investment growth to persist through 2014,” economist Bryan Yu wrote. “A significant upturn in spending is slated to occur in 2015.”Evergreen investmentA key stimulus for construction in the Lower Mainland is transit lines, and Bosa Properties Inc. underscored that last week with the groundbreaking for a new tower named for the Evergreen transit line in Coquitlam.Scheduled for completion in 2015, a year before the new transit line, the 193-unit Evergreen tower in Coquitlam has attracted keen interest. Approximately 55% of units have sold to date.Bosa pitched the project as defying the negative news about the region’s real estate markets, and Coquitlam mayor Richard Stewart even weighed in,[url=]moncler down jackets[/url], thanking Bosa at the groundbreaking for showing confidence in Coquitlam’s future.But with Colliers International’s latest residential market report flagging neighbourhoods such as Coquitlam Centre as “somewhat crowded,[url=]moncler on sale[/url],[url=]moncler sale[/url],” with recent project launches receiving an “underwhelming response” from buyers, the key to success lies in savvy pricing rather than expectations of massive sellouts.Indeed, Coquitlam is singled out in the latest report from Michael Ferreira of Vancouver market research firm Urban Analytics Inc. as having “metro’s best value for a condominium or townhome,” when developer incentives and negotiated discounts are factored in.Colliers notes that developers of concrete condos “should not expect average sale values to exceed $410 per square foot if any significant absorptions are required.”Ferreira concurs, contrasting this with prices as high as $500 a square foot in 2007.REBGV benchmark price rises but sales sluggishSure, sales of residential properties through the Real Estate Board of Greater Vancouver were down 29.4% in February from the same month a year ago,[url=]discount moncler jackets[/url], but let’s not overlook the good news: the benchmark price of sold properties rose for the first time since May 2012.While the gain was a modest 0.4%,[url=]moncler sale[/url],[url=]discount moncler jackets[/url], bringing the benchmark price to $590,400, it highlights the regional differences in the market.Judging by the raft of other numbers the board published as part of its monthly report, the rise was buoyed by sales in Burnaby, New Westminster and Ladner – markets that have also posted increases in benchmark sales values over the past three and five years.The mix of numbers means that buyers need to drill down into the available data to find deals, because sellers aren’t necessarily going to be compromising on expectations of sale prices.“Although we are in buyers’ market territory,[url=]moncler outlet[/url], it certainly doesn’t mean prices are going to adjust downward in any dramatic fashion,” said Cameron Muir, chief economist with the BC Real Estate Association. “It looks, at least from the last month’s data, that home prices are exhibiting a stabilizing trend.”Muir’s sense is that 2013 will be a “transition year” and echoes Central 1 Credit Union’s sense that stronger growth will follow in 2014 and later.“[In] 2014, 2015, we expect to see much stronger growth in the global economy,[url=]moncler on sale[/url], much stronger activity in the U.S., seeing the U.S. economy firing on more than a couple of cylinders,” Muir said.•Tags: economy, Cameron Muir,[url=]moncler outlet[/url], Bosa Properties Inc., Central 1 Credit Union, Real Estate Board of Greater Vancouver, prices, Statistics Canada, real estate, BC Real Estate Association
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