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MessagePosté le: Lun Sep 30, 2013 6:27 pm    Sujet du message: Budget update: Crown numbers Répondre en citant

{B.C. Budget update: Crown numbers, new casino policies revealed}
BC Place with Edgewater Casino in front|Volodymyr Kyrylyuk / Shutterstock.comBy Bob MackinThu Jun 27, 2013 5:00pm PSTB.C. casinos are edging towards a cashless future, more than two years after the government and casino operators were under fire for accepting large cash transactions.The updated service plan for the Ministry of Finance, released simultaneously with the June 27 budget update, said casino patrons will be able to access funds inside a casino through Internet transfer, U.S. funds transfer and foreign funds transfer during this fiscal year.Last year, the Gaming Policy and Enforcement Branch added the ability to access debit at cash cages,[url=]moncler outlet[/url], the use of a cheque hold process and pre-approved cheques.In 2011, CBC found that staff at New Westminster’s Starlight Casino and Richmond’s River Rock Casino Resort reported a combined $8 million in 90 large cash transactions over a three-month period. In 2010, the Financial Transactions Reports Analysis Centre fined B.C. Lottery Corporation $700,[url=]discount moncler jackets[/url],000 in 2010 for failing to adequately report suspected money laundering.“Developing options that result in the increased use of electronic methods to access funds in casinos, enables an increased vigilance of large cash amounts carried into casinos,” said the service plan. “Transition from cash transactions to electronic methods to access funds in casinos supports the goal of moving the gaming industry away from its current state as a cash dependent industry. It diminishes opportunities for criminal attempts to legitimize illegal proceeds of crime in gaming facilities in the province.”The updated service plan for BCLC included preliminary figures for 2012-13,[url=]moncler sale[/url], showing the $2.732 billion revenue was $29 million below budget. The monopoly achieved a $1.128 million profit after spending $53 million less than the previous year.Casino and community gaming centre net income grew by less than a million to $829.4 million. Lottery revenue rose from $254.1 million to $280.4 million. Online gambling, however, fell from $24.8 million to $17.8 million, almost half the budgeted $35.5 million.Gambling regulation and marketing was moved from the Ministry of Energy and Mines portfolio to the Ministry of Finance, under Mike de Jong. In a similar fashion, liquor regulation and marketing was moved to Justice and Attorney General, under Suzanne Anton.Anton was ordered by Premier Christy Clark to undertake the first comprehensive review of liquor in B.C. since 1999. The ways and means of the review have not been announced,[url=]moncler on sale[/url], but it may result in the formation of a new Crown corporation. Liquor Distribution Branch and Liquor Control and Licensing Branch operate as ministry agencies and do not have independent boards.“Our approach must address such considerations as public safety, responsible use, the efficiency and fairness of the application process for licensees, the health of the liquor manufacturing sector, and revenue security for government,” said the Attorney General’s service plan.More than 12,000 inspections are made annually of almost 10,000 licensees province-wide. A focus is the minors-as-agents sting program to combat underage drinking. The service plan said those 15 to 24 years old drink three times more than adults 25 and up. Under the youth sting program,[url=]moncler on sale[/url], 13% of more than 400 private and government stores failed the test. Those caught selling booze to minors were fined $7,500 each.“When minors drink, they face significant increases in the risks of being involved in a vehicle crash, a sexual assault, or a physical altercation,[url=]discount moncler jackets[/url],” said the service plan.LDB profits increased $18.5 million to $929.6 million on $2.950.4 billion sales. LDB is forecasting a decline in profits for 2013-2014 to $850.9 million.The sales decrease is because of a reduction in markups associated by the return of the PST.“Net income for fiscal 2012/13 exceeded the forecast made in the previous Service Plan because of measures taken to decrease expenditures that included not immediately filling vacant positions and delaying capital spending which reduced amortization and consulting expenses,” said the LDB service plan.Meanwhile,[url=]moncler down jackets[/url], preliminary numbers in the updated BC Pavilion Corp. (PavCo) service plan showed that revenue at BC Place stadium declined from $51.058 million in 2011-12 to $38.473 million in 2012-13. It is expected to dip again by almost $5 million in 2013-14 before rebounding to $48.4 million in 2014-2015. The stadium was renovated for $514.2 million in 2011.The PavCo service plan identified a “moderate risk” of lower-than-anticipated attendance and event activity.BC Place attendance for 2012-13 was forecast at 1.245 million and 1.14 million for 2013-14.Even though expenses were cut by $11 million, the stadium’s operational deficit in 2012-13 was $1.21 million higher than the previous fiscal year at $13.036 million. A $24.362 million deficit is budgeted for 2013-14.Total BC Place losses through 2015-16 are forecast at $68.77 million. The overall PavCo deficit from 2012-13 to 2015-2016 is $87.132 million.PavCo’s service plan revealed Grouse Mountain Resorts owner Stuart McLaughlin was appointed vice-chair in April. Despite a perception of conflict of interest, Peter Fassbender remained the chair through the May 14 election when he won election as the BC Liberal MLA for Surrey-Fleetwood. Fassbender resigned from PavCo’s board before he was made the Minister of Education. A new chair has not been Christy Clark,[url=]moncler sale[/url], Mike de Jong, Peter Fassbender, Stuart McLaughlin, Suzanne Anton,[url=]moncler down jackets[/url], BC Place,[url=]moncler outlet[/url], regulation, energy, River Rock Casino Resort, provincial government, Liquor Control and Licensing Branch, B.C. budget 2013
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