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MessagePosté le: Mar Oct 01, 2013 12:37 am    Sujet du message: Exclusive: Kits Coast Guard base not being sold by Répondre en citant

{Exclusive: Kits Coast Guard base not being sold by feds – but West Van property is}
Kitsilano Coast Guard baseBy Bob MackinTue Feb 26,[url=]moncler sale[/url],[url=]moncler down jackets[/url], 2013 1:00pm PSTThe Kitsilano Coast Guard station is not among a trio of high-value federal government properties that may be sold to local First Nations, contrary to media reports.Vision Vancouver councillor Kerry Jang and BC Federation of Labour president Jim Sinclair gained media attention on February 22, claiming a document they obtained indicated Department of Fisheries and Oceans was selling the February 19-closed Coast Guard base to local First Nations bands. In fact, the document did not specify which DFO land was on the block.The federal government is negotiating the sale of the Department of National Defence's Jericho Garrison and the RCMP E Division's headquarters on Heather Street in Vancouver and a DFO property in West Vancouver.The Coast Guard base, next to the Burrard Civic Marina at Vanier Park, has been reserved by the provincial government for the federal government "to use for moorage of rescue craft until such time as it is no longer needed," DFO communications officer Dan Bate told Business in Vancouver."The Canadian Coast Guard is working with Real Property in Fisheries and Oceans Canada to identify next steps for the building and site."DFO confirmed to BIV that the West Vancouver land in the real-estate talks is a five-acre vacant parcel across the street from the West Vancouver fisheries laboratory,[url=]discount moncler jackets[/url], otherwise known as the Centre for Aquaculture and Environmental Research.According to the District of West Vancouver, the 4165 and 4195 Marine Drive properties near Cypress Park elementary school were assessed at a combined $11.587 million.Mayors of RCMP-policed municipalities are hoping that the proceeds from the sale of the Heather Street lands can defray the cost of the new, $1 billion RCMP regional headquarters at Green Timbers in Surrey.A January 2012 Department of National Defence publication called IE Focus said the 21-hectare Jericho Garrison was targeted for closure in the 2995 budget."The complexity of this strategic disposal is heightened due to the many overlapping First Nation land claims,[url=]moncler sale[/url]," said the publication. "In 2009, DND learned that (Public Works and Government Services Canada) had a newly identified strategic disposal and DFO has a strategic disposal that has been dormant for a number of years. These properties are also located in Vancouver."Interdepartmental meetings began in September 2009 involving DND,[url=]moncler down jackets[/url], DFO, PWGSC, Aboriginal Affairs and Native Development Canada and the Department of Justice. A Treasury Board committee on real property endorsed recommendations on February 18, 2010, and a consultation team met on five occasions with the Squamish Nation, Tsleil-Waututh Nation and Musqueam Indian Band between June 2010 and March 2011."They are claiming aboriginal rights, including title, to these properties and assert the sale of these properties would seriously impact their aboriginal rights," said the publication.All parties signed a framework agreement for negotiations on January 12, 2012, to facilitate talks between the three bands, federal government and Canada Lands Company, the federal Crown corporation that sells surplus land.In 2010, Musqueam flipped the 136.5-acre former DFO Garden City Lands to City of Richmond taxpayers for $60 million.Between 1974 and 2009, the first half of a 71-year lease, DFO paid the Squamish Nation $124 million for 22 hectares of vacant waterfront land just east of the Lions Gate Bridge's north side. Plans to build a Coast Guard base and the Pacific Environment Centre there were aborted.The Kitsilano Coast Guard station and two of five Coast Guard vessels were destroyed by fire in July 1991. The disaster accelerated the purchase of five high-speed fireboats to replace the Vancouver fireboat that was sold in 1987 to San Francisco.Despite opposition spanning the political spectrum and lobbying by the Council of BC Yacht Clubs, the federal Conservative government accelerated the closure on February 19 of the base in a bid to save $700,[url=]discount moncler jackets[/url],000 a year. On February 21,[url=]moncler on sale[/url], the government announced a new $6.6 million coast guard base to be built in Newfoundland.To replace the professionally staffed Coast Guard station, who responded to more than 300 marine emergencies last year, the feds are building a volunteer marine search and rescue base on Deadman's Island in Coal Harbour,[url=]moncler outlet[/url], site of the HMCS Discovery naval Jim Sinclair,[url=]moncler outlet[/url], Vancouver, West Vancouver, Newfoundland, Canadian Coast Guard, Vancouver Council, waterway and maritime transport, federal government, provincial government,[url=]moncler on sale[/url], First Nations, Musqueam Indian Band
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