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MessagePosté le: Mar Oct 01, 2013 2:55 am    Sujet du message: Helen Ghabel Répondre en citant

{Helen Ghabel}
|Dominic SchaeferTue Apr 30, 2013 1:30pm PSTUnder Helen Ghabel's leadership the YWCA has developed and executed a diversified financial strategy that has been fundamental to the organization's success.During Ghabel's 18-year tenure, the YWCA has grown enormously. The company now boasts of assets in land and buildings appraised at $78 million, healthy capital and endowment reserves of close to $5 million and an annual operating budget of $22 million. The YWCA has consistently achieved healthy operating surpluses of up to $1.5 million, or balanced operating budgets despite recent challenges in the economy."Helen has a unique combination of very strong technical skills that she has demonstrated in her competency in her primary role as CFO, as well as strategic vision," said Nancy Self,[url=]moncler sale[/url], a member of the YWCA board. Ghabel has had to lead the YWCA through some tough times. "Helen's can-do approach,[url=]moncler down jackets[/url], calm demeanour and collaborative skills at the board table and finance committee provide the platform for good decision making, especially when the organization was faced with tough operating conditions or riskier projects,[url=]discount moncler jackets[/url]," said Bev Park, strategic adviser,[url=]discount moncler jackets[/url], Timber West, who has worked closely with Ghabel for many years.Ghabel's business acumen has been fundamental to the growth of YWCA. To keep the company's growth on track,[url=]moncler down jackets[/url], Ghabel and her team devised a unique definition of success for each of the YWCA's programs, which measures the progress of clients towards the goal of economic independence. This enables the YWCA to determine whether their services have had a lasting and measurable impact on the lives of those they help. •Q&ANomination remarks from Janet Austin, CEO, YWCA Metro VancouverHow has this nominee demonstrated leadership in finance?As CFO,[url=]moncler outlet[/url], Ghabel is responsible for all areas of finance, investment, IT, legal, as well as the day-to-day operations of facilities. She also plays a pivotal role in the development of new capital infrastructure and oversees risk management, performance measurement and reporting, strategic planning, purchasing and sustainability initiatives. She has been pivotal in helping the company find ways of diversifying our revenue sources,[url=]moncler outlet[/url], while limiting the government funding the YWCA accepts.How has this nominee contributed to strategic decision-making and growth of the company?As a key strategist, Ghabel has a profound, positive and far-reaching impact on the success of the YWCA. Her influence is evident in the sustained growth of the YWCA, which is recognized among the largest and most diversified non-profit organizations in Metro Vancouver. The YWCA now serves some 50,000 people annually in more than 30 locations, with an operating budget of $22 million,[url=]moncler on sale[/url], 375 employees and more than 500 volunteers – as well as enviable employee engagement (98%) and retention (90%). Ghabel's business acumen has been fundamental to this growth and to ensuring that the YWCA remains innovative, sustainable and vigilant about reducing our environmental impact.How has this nominee demonstrated a commitment to sound ethics and reporting?In all she does, Ghabel consistently demonstrates commitment to the mission, the highest standards of ethical conduct and the values and operating principles of the YWCA. Achieving excellence in a diversified non-profit setting is challenging and complex, as there are multiple determinants of success. She has also led the organization's ongoing training to build a culture of risk awareness at all levels as key to protecting the assets and reputation of the YWCA and building credibility and support for our work.How has this nominee demonstrated contributions to sustainability and community initiatives?Ghabel has facilitated capital improvements to various YWCA facilities to reduce energy,[url=]moncler on sale[/url],[url=]moncler sale[/url], water consumption, greenhouse gas emissions and achieve significant operating savings over time. As well, the YWCA is committed to ensuring that any new development is green; the company has achieved the Gold LEED environmental standard for capital projects completed in recent years. Ghabel has also ensured that purchasing protocols are in place to select the most economical and environmentally sustainable products and suppliers, and that reserve funds are invested through socially responsible investment screens.
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