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MessagePosté le: Mar Oct 01, 2013 6:25 am    Sujet du message: Law report: Transforming Prince Rupert Répondre en citant

{Law report: Transforming Prince Rupert}
Andrew Mayer, vice-president,[url=]moncler sale[/url], commercial and regulatory affairs,[url=]moncler outlet[/url], Prince Rupert Port Authority: a broad maritime career helps to maintain his objectivity about the industryBy Sheryl GrayTue Jun 4, 2013 12:01am PSTAndrew Mayer stays close to water’s edge. Pacific or Atlantic, he connects to the coastal communities that rely on import and export business along their waterways.Mayer is vice-president, commercial and regulatory affairs with the Prince Rupert Port Authority (PRPA). As in-house counsel since 2008, he has been instrumental in developing the Port’s ability to attain its vision of a leading trade corridor “gateway” between North American and Asian markets. The port has been in a period of massive growth for the last few years, and the PRPA has rapidly expanded its operations to keep up.“In 2012, interest in the container business crystallized from previous marketing efforts. This is completely transformative for the Prince Rupert business community,” said Mayer. “Coming to the North, you see it more: the job opportunities,[url=]moncler down jackets[/url],[url=]moncler on sale[/url],[url=]moncler sale[/url], the business development.” The opportunity to come to Prince Rupert for his current role at the PRPA was like coming home for Mayer. He grew up in the Cowichan Valley and enjoyed the small-town life and coastal recreation activities. His first foray into the maritime industry was working for the former Vancouver Port Corporation as a university student in 1989. He trained with the Coast Guard in port relations and government affairs,[url=]moncler on sale[/url], and eventually took marine studies at BCIT.Mayer moved to the East Coast and learned the inner workings of the maritime industry. He worked at planning ships: the logistics of where cargo is stowed for loading and unloading at various ports of call. Involvement in his company’s management training program in the mid-90s gave Mayer the reminder of his own ultimate destination,[url=]discount moncler jackets[/url], and he enrolled in marine and environmental law at Dalhousie University in Halifax. He returned to Vancouver to practise in private maritime law for six years before moving to Prince Rupert.As in-house counsel, Mayer is able to use his maritime career experience to his advantage in staying objective and being able to think critically.“You’re more closely connected to the business. You need to be objective about the industry; it helps to have a broad background,” said Mayer, who is the current director of the Canadian Maritime Law Association and chair of its ports and harbours committee. “As in-house counsel, you need to represent strongly without being adversarial.”Mayer is also responsible for building relationships. Landmark settlement agreements with First Nation groups were put into effect in 2012, after lengthy and sometimes challenging negotiations. The parties are continuing to work toward building trust as they benefit mutually from the changes.“Mr. Mayer led consultation with First Nation groups including major accommodation agreements resulting in contracts for construction of the PRPA’s $110 million road, rail and utility corridor being granted to First Nations joint venture contracting companies,[url=]moncler outlet[/url],” said Shelby O’Brien, in-house counsellor with PRPA.From his perspective,[url=]moncler down jackets[/url], Mayer believes that everyone in the PRPA organization is fully committed to success and are all pulling in the same direction.He credits president and CEO Don Krusel with creating an excellent culture of teamwork that allows the team to achieve the results they’ve been seeing. This has been a completely conscious act: in the past four years, PRPA has grown from 15 to 50 employees.“The excitement of working in Prince Rupert is that the community is so aware of the significance of port activity and how it directly affects them,” said Mayer.“Our success in business development generates paid taxes that have the ability to provide social programs at a local level. We’re creating pieces of infrastructure to help northern and western British Columbia realize their potential.”Tags: law, Don Krusel, Vancouver Port Corporation, Dalhousie University, joint venture,[url=]discount moncler jackets[/url], Prince Rupert Port Authority, First Nations
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