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MessagePosté le: Mar Oct 01, 2013 9:10 am    Sujet du message: LNG will add billions in spending to Canada’s oil Répondre en citant

{LNG will add billions in spending to Canada’s oil and gas services sector, energy report predicts}
|shutterstockBy Sean KolenkoTue Jul 30, 2013 12:01am PSTBC’s looming LNG boom could increase annual exploration and production spending on service providers in Canada’s oil and gas sector to as much as $10.5 billion in the next decade, according to a new report by National Bank’s Oil and Gas division.“We believe the ultimate impact to energy services is a high and rising baseline of activity starting with an incremental $2.6 billion per year in drilling and completions work in 2014, gradually trending higher to $10.5 billion per year by the end of the decade,” states the report, titled Quantifying the LNG Impact.It estimates 6,500 new gas wells will be needed by 2021 to supply the demand of four major LNG facilities. One of these projects – Kitimat LNG – has received environmental approval from the province, two others – LNG Canada and Prince Rupert LNG – are being reviewed by the B.C. environmental office, while the fourth – Pacific NorthWest LNG – has applied for the same review but has not yet been accepted.The service providers affected would include drilling, construction and transportation companies.The predicted spending spike will come over three time periods, according to the report.In the near term,[url=]moncler sale[/url], those benefiting will be the drillers and those working ahead of construction of facilities. The report estimates that drillers will be the biggest winners with an estimated exploration and production spending of $9.3 billion over eight years,[url=]discount moncler jackets[/url], while gas pumpers have the potential to bring in $7.7 billion over the same time period.“Canada has vast natural gas resources, and clearly there are drillers that want to access those reserves and help send it overseas ,” Greg Colman, the report’s author, told Business in Vancouver. “Natural gas development will represent a significant lift to their industries.”Next will be companies building housing for workers who will be building for both the terminals and the pipelines. The report estimates that building the facilities will require 15,000 beds by 2018.And throughout the whole process will be transportation and crane companies that can haul large-scale parts and equipment.“This is a huge amount of work,” said Keith Schaefer, Vancouver-based oil and gas analyst and publisher of the Oil and Gas Investments Bulletin. “Christy Clark was right,[url=]moncler on sale[/url], this has the potential to resemble the oilsands.”Schaefer is scheduled to host a September 25 LNG conference in Vancouver that will feature representatives from the oil and gas service sector.Natural gas workforce strategy estimates 75,000 workers neededLast week, the B.C. government released a sweeping report examining future workforce requirements for the LNG sector.According to B.C. Natural Gas Workforce Strategy and Action Plan, more than 75,000 full-time workers will be needed to staff LNG plants when in operation. The numbers are based on five LNG projects being approved.Of those 75,000 jobs, 2,[url=]moncler down jackets[/url],400 would be required to operate the LNG plants and 61,700 will be needed to drill,[url=]discount moncler jackets[/url], process and transport natural gas to the plants.During construction of the five facilities – the peak period of which, the report finds, will be in 2016 and 2017 – 60,000 workers will be needed.Of those jobs, 21,[url=]moncler outlet[/url],600 will be involved in building the LNG plants and 41,900 will be in industries that provide goods and services to the construction sector.Fulfilling those requirements,[url=]moncler outlet[/url], however, will pose challenges.The report outlines six measures to address potential issues with the labour force:1. publish regular labour market information: this includes workforce projections for the industrial construction sector to illustrate the competition natural gas projects could face;2. co-ordinate various school programs – one of which the report dubs an entry-level “Working in the Natural Gas Industry” curriculum – to give the local labour force the opportunity to work on LNG projects;3. develop specialized apprenticeship training programs;4. train local and regional businesses to know what goods and services the construction and LNG industry will need;5. offer information sessions in both southern B.C. and across Canada to attract people from outside northern B.C. to work on the projects. The report states, “A lack of understanding of what northern B.C. has to offer in terms of lifestyle, employment opportunities,[url=]moncler on sale[/url], etc., is a barrier to attracting workers”; and6. co-ordinate a flexible work schedule that allows people to rotate to different projects to ensure full-time work.Of the trades workforce need at peak construction of LNG facilities, the report forecasts:47% will be steamfitters, pipefitters and gas fitters;21% will be welders;7% will be carpenters;7% will be sheet metal workers;6% will be concrete finishers;6% will be crane operators;1% will be insulators; and1% will be heavy-duty equipment mechanics.Of the workforce required for LNG plant operations:50% will be process operators;25% will be tradespeople;10% will operations and maintenance management;10% will be administration; and5% will be engineers.In 2012, B.C.’s natural gas industry employed 13,235 people: 8,[url=]moncler sale[/url],570 in oil and gas services, 3,680 in exploration and production and 985 in pipeline positions.•Tags: Christy Clark, Kitimat, investments,[url=]moncler down jackets[/url], natural gas, mining, energy
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