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Inscrit le: 27 Sep 2011
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MessagePosté le: Jeu Oct 03, 2013 12:53 pm    Sujet du message: Machine-made talks Répondre en citant

{Machine-made talks }
SINCE A number of wise men these days are asking rulers in Pakistan to have talks with those who actually don’t believe in talking, Mr Right has invented a talking machine to help them overcome this problem.“The machine is deaf and dumb and totally heartless and uses electronic signals to express itself,” he said. “It’s an ideal gadget to talk to criminals, jail-breakers and murderers who are equally deaf and dumb and totally heartless.”I was amazed. “Do you think it would make the two sides talk to each other to reach an agreement?”“I am pretty sure the machine can help,” Mr Right said. “It very efficiently identifies senseless suggestions and helps reach understanding on absurd solutions.”“Has anybody tested the machine earlier?” I asked.“Yes,[url=]Michael Kors Outlet[/url], I had lent it to a friend who was trying to negotiate a deal with a master of kidnapping for ransom who wanted to kidnap his son and then break into his neighbour’s home to steal his car,” Mr Right said.“And did the machine work?”“To some extent,” Mr Right replied. “My friend told the would-be kidnapper that it was not a good way to harass good citizens.”“Okay,” he said. “You suggest a better way.”“Where is the machine now?”“With another friend who wanted to talk to a ‘walking bomb’ caught by security guards outside a mosque,” Mr Right said.“The explosive device has been made ineffective, sir,” the guards told him.The man grinned and lifted his shirt. “Sorry, you missed a free trip to paradise, I had a group visa for everybody.”“So your talking machine is making them talk, isn’t it?” I said.“Yes, at least there is a chance that our leaders might convince them to stop wearing their ‘designer jackets’,” Mr Right said.“But they would want something in return,[url=]michael kors canada[/url],” I said. “Maybe they can be assured of amnesty.”“But they have killed hundreds of people and destroyed or damaged a number of important public and private buildings in the country,[url=]Most wanted job in Hollywood[/url],[url=]Michael Kors Handbags[/url],” Mr Right argued. “If they are forgiven, there will be an uprising in jails, because prisoners will also demand talks to press for amnesty for all their crimes.”“The prisoners should not worry because the militants will get them freed too,” I reminded Mr Right.“That means all jails will be dismantled eventually,” Mr Right said.“The militants have also demanded an end to military action, especially drone attacks and withdrawal of troops from areas where they had earlier lost their foothold,” I pointed out. “Are they really willing to talk?”“They love to talk through the barrel of a gun,” Mr Right said. “The attack on an army general and the Peshawar church blasts are fresh in the people’s memory.”“But the militants of the main group have denied involvement in the blasts,” I said. “They say they don’t kill non-Muslims.”“Yes, they specialise in killing Muslims only,” Mr Right remarked.“Despite all this confusion, Imran Khan and the Maulanas sporting turbans and caps of different hues insist that talks should be held. Do you think your talking machine can bring the two reluctant sides to the negotiation table?” I asked.“Sure,[url=]Festejará Thalía 42 años inmersa en segunda gira[/url], it will, because there is much more uncertainty now,[url=]Michael Kors Handbags Outlet[/url],” Mr Right said. “The prime minister has asked the militants to first lay down arms and recognise the country’s constitution, if they are willing to talk.”“Do you mean your talking machine will prove handy to push the participants towards talks even though its agenda is unclear and undecided?” I looked at Mr Right.“As I told you,[url=]Sin explicaciones :: El Informador[/url], talking machine is deaf and dumb and totally heartless. In all its probability, it will help the two sides to reach an agreement, however absurd it may be,” he said“But why do you think it would be absurd?” I was astonished.“Because Pakistan can make no promises on its own and prevent the agreement from becoming absurd,” he commented.Najmul Hasan Rizvi is a former Assistant Editor of Khaleej Times var google_adnum = 2; function google_ad_request_done(google_ads) {var s = '';var i;if (google_ads.length == 0) { return; }s+='
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