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Inscrit le: 27 Sep 2011
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MessagePosté le: Jeu Oct 10, 2013 3:22 pm    Sujet du message: and should &#x2014 Répondre en citant

{Elementary teachers are right to put controls on cellphones: Editorial},[url=]Toms Shoes Sale[/url]
Call it a sign of the times, even if it embraces the past. Ontario’s elementary teachers have spelled out their policy on the use of electronic devices in schools, taking a stand that may be heretical to the digital generation but is actually downright reasonable: cellphones must not be used in class — unless the teacher says so. Anyone who has watched a fidgety 12-year-old delight at the vibrations of the latest text knows that he can’t focus on early Canadian history while typing a surreptitious response to “wassup?” By the time the LOLs, HBDs and TTYLs are delivered,[url=]Toms Shoes Outlet[/url],[url=]Toms Shoes Outlet[/url],[url=]Toms Shoes Sale[/url], the lesson is lost. Since it is school boards that have the ultimate authority on cellphone use in class,[url=]Cheap Toms[/url], trustees should follow the smart lead set by the Elementary Teachers’ Federation of Ontario and send a message supporting the value of concentration on school work. Focus is good; distractions are not.Since every parent knows how hard it is to pry these mini computers out of small hands,[url=]Cheap Toms[/url], the board must at least shore up teachers’ cell-control. Teachers should not risk being labelled as Luddite extremists — even by parents. And you don’t have to look far to find an overeager mom texting her child during school hours.Indeed, Toronto District School Board trustees felt strongly enough about cellular distractions to ban the phones in 2007. They relented in 2011 to allow for “21st century learning.” There’s no doubt that smartphones — for those kids lucky enough to possess one — have the capacity to teach, with their GPS technology, mapping software and video-making capabilities, all for school work of course.The value of technology is clear and that’s why the electronics shouldn’t be considered a negative. (It’s a Google-icious irony that the more information we can access, the less our brains seem to contain.) Even many adults are addicted to their cellphones. Just observe the next office meeting; there’s always at least one person chuckling at his lap.Still, in those instances when the devices can be used as a valuable tool, teachers should be willing to use them. Indeed, the amendment passed by the union representing 76,000 elementary teachers stated its position succinctly: “Personal electronic devices (should) be stored during the instructional day unless their use is directly authorized by staff.” That means teachers can — and should — allow students to access technology when it makes sense to do so. As the Star’s Patty Winsa reports, the Peel District School Board’s Brian Woodland says that many teachers have an “increasing enthusiasm” for the use of electronic devices in class. That’s fine.But, kids won’t learn if teachers don’t provide the necessary structure. Sometimes a smartphone can enrich learning. And sometimes it’s just a way to video chat.
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