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Inscrit le: 27 Sep 2011
Messages: 7915
Localisation: England

MessagePosté le: Jeu Oct 10, 2013 3:28 pm    Sujet du message: you can’ Répondre en citant

Cambridge Shakespeare Festival: Hamlet3 ImagesHamlet,[url=]Toms Shoes Sale[/url], The Fellows’ Garden at Trinity College,[url=]Toms Shoes Outlet[/url], Monday,[url=]Cheap Toms[/url], August 12. Illuminated by moonlight and surrounded by a semi circle of thick trees, the venue for Hamlet is an enchanting escape from reality. Haunting Elizabethan music greets you as you take your seat or picnic blanket in the prestigious Fellows’ Garden at Trinity College - not even normally available to ordinary members of Trinity.Wine, olives and an assortment of other snacks to hand, we were ready for action. And anyone who wasn’t soon sprung to attention with Hamlet’s opening explosion of rage which saw a small skull thrown into the audience- a sign of things to come. A dark tale of psychological torment and revenge, the Cambridge Shakespeare Festival’s Hamlet is pacey, captive and harrowing, with a sprinkling of elements of comedy. From the outset, you can’t help but pity poor Hamlet who returns from University in Wittenberg to the unfortunate news that his father is dead and his mother is married to his uncle - the new King. The characters, in full period costume, including bloomers and fur capes, are a mixture between complex, disturbing and hilarious. Trinity College’s magical garden really proves its worth when the sound of a gentle breeze blowing through the trees adds to the eerieness of the scenes where Hamlet is visited by his father’s ghost, urging him to seek revenge on his uncle Claudius. The intensity reaches a crescendo when Hamlet attempts to force his mother and his uncle to realise what they’ve done by hiring a travelling band of actors to literally re-enact their sins. The result is a wild, daring and mildly sexual scene. With just a patch of grass for a ‘stage’, dark themes and a haunting combination of moonlight, light wind and soft music, this really is theatre at its rawest.
People watching the forthcoming beginning of the German half of the inhabitants of Berlin are no interested in co-optation
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