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Inscrit le: 27 Sep 2011
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MessagePosté le: Ven Oct 11, 2013 11:38 am    Sujet du message: mcm bags &#x201d Répondre en citant

{Canada’s wounded soldiers told not to criticize superiors online},[url=]mcm bags[/url]
Canada’s wounded soldiers are being required to sign a form agreeing not to criticize their superiors on social networking websites such as Facebook and Twitter, the Ottawa Citizen reported Friday. The form reportedly also asks injured soldiers not to disclose “your views on any military subject” or post anything that could “discourage” others in the military. The document,[url=]mcm handbags[/url], first obtained by the Citizen, was reportedly created in March and handed to military personnel who transfer to the Joint Personnel Support Unit, which was designed to help mentally and physically wounded soldiers.The JPSU confirmed the form exists but said its purpose is “to educate our members and personnel on what constitutes the appropriate and inappropriate use of social media and the possible ramifications for a CAF member.”A Canadian Forces email sent to the newspaper explained that each unit has a different way of communicating the social media policy. “The difference being that the JPSU is asking members to indicate that they have read and understood the policy by signing the form,” the email said.The controversial policy drew quick reaction from NDP MP and defence critic Jack Harris. “To single out ill and injured soldiers and require them to sign this form is tantamount to saying, ‘Don’t complain.’ ” Harris said in an email to the Star Friday.“I call on the minister of defence to take measures to ensure that all our ill and injured soldiers are getting the help they need, rather than being muzzled.”The head of Wounded Warriors Canada, a non-profit that advocates for injured soldiers, has asked Defence Minister Rob Nicholson’s office for clarification on the social media policy. “It’s important that we know exactly what’s being asked in this form,” executive director Scott Maxwell said. “I don’t want to speculate. I have not seen what they’re being told what not to say.”Military critics say the policy is further evidence of mistreatment of those injured in the line of duty. A former air officer who lives with post-traumatic stress issues thinks the JPSU policy is a huge overstep.“This is right out of something you would see during the Soviet era,” retired air officer Sean Bruyea told the Citizen. “This is way over the top.”




















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