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MessagePosté le: Mar Oct 22, 2013 1:01 pm    Sujet du message: ugg outlet BBC Sport - Ottmar Hitzfeld: Switzerlan Répondre en citant

{BBC Sport - Ottmar Hitzfeld: Switzerland boss to retire after World Cup}
id="story_continues_1" itemprop="description"> Switzerland coach Ottmar Hitzfeld has announced he will retire after the 2014 World Cup in Brazil. The 64-year-old is one of only four coaches to win the European Cup or Champions League with two different clubs and he has helped Switzerland climb to seventh in the Fifa rankings. The history of Hitzfeld Ottmar Hitzfeld managed Swiss sides Zug 94, Aarau and Grasshopper before enjoying hugely successful spells at German sides Borussia Dortmund and Bayern Munich. He led Grasshoppers to the Swiss Super League twice and won the Swiss Cup twice. Won the 1994-95 and 1995-96 Bundesliga titles with Borussia Dortmund and the Champions League in 1996-97. Became Bayern Munich manager in 1998 and guided them to three successive league titles, as well as the Champions League in 2000-01. Hitzfeld won the Bundesliga again in 2002-03 and once more in his second spell in charge of the club in 2007-08. He was named World Coach of the Year in 1997 and 2001. Became Switzerland boss in 2008, guiding them to the 2010 and 2014 World Cups. "After 30 years in the strength-sapping world of football,[url=]ugg outlet[/url], my time has come to stop," said the German. "I can live without football, there are more important things in life." Hitzfeld's decision came on the day Switzerland were confirmed as one of the eight seeded teams for the World Cup draw. He guided the Swiss to their second successive World Cup with an unbeaten qualifying campaign. They finished top of Group E, winning seven and drawing three of their 10 games,[url=]cheap ugg[/url], ahead of Iceland, Slovenia, Norway, Albania and Cyprus. Prior to becoming Switzerland coach in 2008, Hitzfeld enjoyed an illustrious career in club management. He won the Bundesliga with Bayern Munich on five occasions and twice while in charge of Borussia Dortmund. He will continue his work as a television analyst with a German cable network following his retirement from coaching. "I like doing it, I'm always right," he said. Also related to this story Hitzfeld says Swiss exit deserved 25 Jun 2010World Cup 2010 The Hitzfeld phenomenon 22 Aug 2001Champions League Get Inspired: FOOTBALL 19 Jul 2013Get Inspired Share this story Share this page print

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