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MessagePosté le: Jeu Oct 24, 2013 7:21 am    Sujet du message: cheap ugg Toronto police-shooting deaths inquest p Répondre en citant

{Toronto police-shooting deaths inquest pulls back curtain on officers' reality}
Global warming is fast transforming Canada’s Hudson Bay Lowlands, one of Earth’s most southern Arctic refuges, scientists report.The vast wetland region in northern Ontario, Quebec and Manitoba has “passed a #file_links[D:\keywords11.txt,1,S] tipping point, the pace and magnitude of which is exceptional even by Arctic standards,” the team led by Queen’s Unive #file_links[D:\keywords15.txt,1,S] rsity concludes in a study published Tuesday.The repercussions are of “global significance,[url=]cheap ugg[/url], influencing the huge store of carbon in the region’s extensive peatlands, the world’s southern-most polar bear population that depends upon Hudson Bay sea ice and permafrost for survival, and native communities who rely on this landscape for sustenance,” says the report #file_links[D:\keywords12.txt,1,S] in the Proceedings of the Royal Society B, an international biological journal.The scientists have documented shifts in ecosystems in the lowland lakes that point to “unprecedented ecological change in the region,” co-author John Smol, an environmental scientist at Queen’s University in Kingston, Ont., said in an interview with Postmedia News on Tuesday.“We see step-wise, threshold type changes in the Hudson Bay area starting in the 1990s that are clearly linked to climate change,” said Smol. The federal government awarded Smol Canada’s top science prize, the Herzberg Gold Medal, in 2004.“We have entered a new ecological state,” says Smol.The Hudson Bay Lowlands have been one of the world’s most southerly “Arctic refugia” thanks to the cooling effect of Hudson Ba #file_links[D:\keywords14.txt,1,S] y,[url=]ugg outlet[/url], which is covered in ice most of the year.The Hudson Bay region has experienced little biological change for hundreds of years, say the researchers, who studied the algae fossilized in sediments in four lakes in the region, which provide a record of past ecosystems.But they say sediments laid down on the lake bottoms after the mid-1990s show  “striking biological changes have occurred in the region’s freshwater ecosystems.”They  report a “compelling” synchrony between the shifts seen in the type of algae growing in the lakes and the increase in temperature in the region.The study says the change is “unprecedented in the past approximately 1500 years,” based on analysis of sediments in the region.Smol says there plenty of other signs of the remarkable shift underway in the region, including the fish kills caused b #file_links[D:\keywords13.txt,1,S] y heat stress, dropping water levels, and three weeks less ice cover on Hudson Bay than there was prior to 1995.“This is unprecedented,” Smol says of the changes.  “We are entering new ecological states and we are not really prepared.”While the impacts will most directly be felt by the native people and birds, bears and other wildlife in the region, Smol says changes in the lowlands could have international implications if the region’s extensive peatlands begin to release their vast store of carbon, which could accelerate climate change.“The ramifications are global,” says Smol. “It is very bad news.”

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