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MessagePosté le: Mar Nov 05, 2013 12:35 pm    Sujet du message: Louboutin Pas Cher Colin Firth Répondre en citant

Calvin Klein Celebrating Women in F Louboutin Homme ilm at Cannes
Cannes 2013 Red Carpet Highlights ft. Leonardo DiCaprio, Jennifer Lawrence Cannes 2013 Red Carpet: Inside Llewyn Davis by Joel and Ethan Coen ft. Justin Timberlake Cannes 2013 Day 5 ft Justin Timberlake, Nicole Kidman, Carey Mulligan, Kirsten Dunst Trophee Chopard Cannes 2013 ft. Cara Delevingne, Fan Bingbing, Colin Firth, Paz Vega all videos >> Ca #file_links[D:\keywords15.txt,1,[url=]Louboutin Pas Cher[/url],S] lvin Klein,[url=]Christian Louboutin Pas Cher[/url], Inc. announced to #file_links[D:\keywords12.txt,1,S] day that the IFP (Independent Filmmaker Project), Calvin Klein Collection and euphoria Calvin Klein celebrated women in film last night at an event held at L’Écrin during the 66th Cannes Film Festival.The invitation-only event, hosted by Joana Vicente, Executive Director of IFP, and F #file_links[D:\keywords14.txt,1,S] rancisco Costa, Women’s Creative Director of Calvin Klein Collection, recognized notable women who have made an impact on film, including Nicole Kidman, Rooney Mara, Carey Mulligan, Naomie Harris and Lynne Ramsay.The following guests who attended and were wardrobed in Calvin Klein Collection included: Ms. Kidman, a 2013 Cannes Film Festival Juror; Ms. Mara; Ms. Mulligan; Ms. Harris; Katie Chang; Joana Preiss; Paz Vega; Clotilde Courau; Fagun Thakrar; Laure Heriard-Dubreuil Aaron Young; Derek Blasberg; and, Ms. Vicente.Other guests of note in attendance included Harvey Weinstein, Colin Egglesfield, Taissa Farmiga. Jeremy Irvine, Dasha Zhukova, Olympia Scarry, Cara Delevingne and Jessica Miller.WARDROBING CREDIT: Calvin Klein Collection IMAGE CREDIT: © 2013 Michael Bowles play slideshow Calvin Klein Ce #file_links[D:\keywords11.txt,1,S] lebrating Women in Film at Cannes Calvin Klein, Inc. announced today that the IFP (Independent Filmmaker Project), Calvin Klein Collection and euphoria Calvin Klein celebrated women in film last night at an event held at L’Écrin during the 66th Cannes Film Festival.The invitation-only event, hosted by Joana Vicente, Executive Director of IFP, #file_links[D:\keywords13.txt,1,S] and Francisco Costa, Women’s Creative Director of Calvin Klein Collection, recognized notable women who have made an impact on film, including Nicole Kidman, Rooney Mara, Carey Mulligan, Naomie Harris and Lynne Ramsay.The following guests who attended and were wardrobed in Calvin Klein Collection included: Ms. Kidman, a 2013 Cannes Film Festival Juror; Ms. Mara; Ms. Mulligan; Ms. Harris; Katie Chang; Joana Preiss; Paz Vega; Clotilde Courau; Fagun Thakrar; Laure Heriard-Dubreuil Aaron Young; Derek Blasberg; and, Ms. Vicente.Other guests of note in attendance included Harvey Weinstein, Colin Egglesfield, Taissa Farmiga. Jeremy Irvine, Dasha Zhukova, Olympia Scarry, Cara Delevingne and Jessica Miller.WARDROBING CREDIT: Calvin Klein Collection IMAGE CREDIT: © 2013 Michael Bowles

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