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Inscrit le: 27 Sep 2011
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MessagePosté le: Jeu Nov 14, 2013 5:45 pm    Sujet du message: lancel soldes nnn4zfem Répondre en citant

{Chhari reaches Chandanwari}
SRINAGAR :  ‘Chhari Mubarak’, the Holy Silver Mace of Lord Shiva this afternoon left for Chandanwari from base camp Pahalgam, where puja was held on the occasion of ‘ Dwadashi’ on the bank of the river Lidder.Mahant Deependra Giri, custodian of Chhari,[url=]lancel soldes[/url], led the puja before the yatra left for Chanandwari amid changing of Bam Bam Bolay and vedic mantras.Meanwhile, the traditional Pahalgam route will be closed from 1100 hrs tomorrow while Baltal will remain open till 0900 hrs on August 21.After night halt at Chandanwari, the Chhari Mubarak left this afternoon on the occasion of ‘ Tryodashi’ for a night halt at Sheshnag (3352 mtrs).Mahant Giri said Chhari Mubarak will leave at 0700 hrs from Sheshnag on August 20 for a night halt at Panchtarani (4114 mtrs), six km short of Holy Cave.Next morning on August 21, the Chhari Mubarak will leave at 0400 hrs Panchtarani for Holy Cave (3952 mtrs) on the occasion of Raksha Bandan’ Sharvan Purnima.He said traditional rituals shall be performed and prayers shall be offered the whole day at Holy Cave.However, before dusk, Chhari-Mubarak shall leave for night halt at Panchtarani.On the occasion of ‘Pratipda’ on August 22, Chhari-Mubarak shall leave at 0700 hrs for night halt at  Pahalgam.On August 23 on the occasion of ‘ Dvitiya’ ‘Pujan’ & ‘Visarjan’ ceremonies shall be performed at 1015 hrs on the bank of the river Lidder.Thereafter, traditional ‘Kari-Pakouri’ Bhandara shall be organised for Sadhus. With this last ritual, annual pilgrimage of Swami Amarnath Ji shall culminate. Chhari-Mubarak shall return to its Abode at Srinagar.Meanwhile, Additional Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Shri Amarnath Shrine Board (SASB) P P Singh said that subject to fair weather conditions, the last batch of Yatris from the Pahalgam route shall be allowed to cross the Chandanwari  Access Control Gate upto 1100 hrs tomorrow.He said that the last batch of Yatris from the Baltal route shall be allowed to cross the Access Control Gate at Domel upto 0900 hrs on August 21st.However, the Yatris who prefer to travel by helicopters to Panjtarni, if weather conditions permit heli-operations, shall be allowed to take heli-flights upto 0900 on  August 21st August from Baltal and Pahalgam Heli Bases. (AGENCIES)

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People watching the forthcoming beginning of the German half of the inhabitants of Berlin are no interested in co-optation
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