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MessagePosté le: Dim Nov 24, 2013 4:20 pm    Sujet du message: Canada Goose Parka 5a5jtg5q Répondre en citant

Lawyer for accused in Rehtaeh Parsons case says media has convicted his clientA cheap motorcycle jackets dd to ...
Two young men charged in connection with the case of bullied Nova Scotia teen Rehteah Parsons appeared in court amid concerns by one of their lawyers that they have already been tried and convicted by media and others on the Internet.“It appears that individuals on the Internet and certain members of the media conducted their own one-sided trial in relation to this matter,[url=]Canada Goose Parka[/url],” charged defence lawyer Josh Arnold after the boys’ brief appearance before Thursday Nova Scotia Provincial Court judge Patrick Curran. “No due process was given. The matter is now before the courts properly in that it will be dealt with hopefully properly and fairly … No one should be tried and convicted without having a hearing, without receiving disclosure,[url=]canada goose jackets[/url], without having a fair trial.”More Related to this StoryDAVID BUTTTeens must learn the line between online socializing and pornographyInvestiga clutch lever tionFormer Ontario official to review Nova Scotia justice system in Rehtaeh Parsons caseGlobe editorialThe suicide of Rehtaeh Parsons shook public confidence in the policeRehtaeh Parsons is shown in a handout photo from the Facebook tribute page “Angel Rehtaeh.”THE CANADIAN PRESSWatchVideo: Rehtaeh Parsons' father says arrests are 'bittersweet'WatchVideo: No sexual assault charges in Rehtaeh Parsons case: policeWatchVideo: Review of Rehtaeh Parsons case to consider impact of technology on youthThe two 18-year-olds will appear again on Sept. 19. One is charged with two counts of distributing child pornography. The other is charged with distributing and making child pornography. They are appearing i bar end mirror n youth court so cannot be identified.Both parents of one of the boys were in court,[url=]Piumini Moncler[/url], while just the mother of the other was with he Motorcycle Racing Partr son. Rehtaeh’s parents were not in the court. However,[url=]Canada Goose Parka[/url], her uncle,[url=]canada goose jackets[/url], Michael Parsons, arrived at the courthouse,[url=]moncler sito ufficiale[/url], and took offence with the defence lawyer’s comments,[url=]moncler uomo[/url], holding an impromptu press conference in the courthouse lobby.“When I heard that lawyer talking like that it just enraged me so much that he was saying that these boys had been prosecuted in the media and that the media has done such a horrible thing,[url=]Cheap NFL Jerseys[/url],” said Mr. Parsons. “That hasn’t been the case at all. That is a blatant lie. I just wanted to set the record straight.”His 17-year-old niece died in April several days after a suicide attempt. Her parents say that four boys sexually assaulted her at a party when she was 15. A picture of Rehteah was circulated throughout her school and community.Rehteah contacted police but no charges were ever laid and she drifted from hospital t cheap motorcycle accessories o school after th sport bike parts at.The case attracted intense media attention. Nova Scotia Premier Darrell Dexter’s government was forced to act – inquiries are being conducted i motorcycle helmet sale nto the way in wh clutch and brake levers ich police and other officials handled the initial case. Laws have been changed – and now there are charges against these two boys.Prime Minister Stephen Harper weighed in last week,[url=]moncler uomo[/url], saying he hoped the charges will give billet mirrors some comfort to the family. He has met Rehteah’s parents a couple of times – and has expressed concern with bullying.Mr. Arnold,[url=]Moncler Coats[/url], the defence lawyer, would not say if the Prime Minister’s comments have prejudiced the case against his client. “Once we get all the disclosure we certainly will be able to comment a lot more about that,” he said.More Related to this StoryRehtaeh ParsonsChild-porn charges laid against Halifax teens in Rehtaeh Parsons case

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