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Inscrit le: 27 Sep 2011
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MessagePosté le: Jeu Nov 28, 2013 6:52 pm    Sujet du message: lancel soldes ureuhoxn Répondre en citant

{Ottawa Rocks! 60 years of rock and roll in Ottawa}
Ottawa Rocks!When & where: To Dec. 31 at the James Bartleman Centre, Gallery 112, 100 Tallwood Dr.Free admissionOTTAWA — Brockville grandmother Pat Allport describes herself as a giggly teenager the day she met Elvis Presley backstage at the Ottawa Auditorium in 1957.She doesn’t remember much about the concert itself, but she’s never forgotten the encounter. Then a 16-year-old High School of Commerce student, Allport and nine other Ottawa-area girls, winners of a radio station contest administered by CFRA’s Gord Atkinson, were in a state of near-hysteria at the chance to meet the King of Rock ‘n’ Roll and get his autograph.“I honestly don’t remember the actual sitting down at the concert because I was so pumped,[url=]lancel soldes[/url],” Allport says now. “We met him in his dressing room. He spoke to us, he was gentlemanly. We were all crying. I still have the Kleenex I cried with.”That day, Presley signed her arm, her white blouse and her autograph book. She refused to wash her arm, added song titles to the blouse and went on to fill her autograph book with the signatures of other rock ‘n’ rollers, including Fats Domino and Chuck Berry. “I wasn’t just an Elvis fan, but he was the best,” she says.Today, the autograph on the shoulder of Allport’s blouse has worn off but it and the autograph book are part of a new exhibit chronicling the history of rock music in Ottawa. So are her prized Elvis ring and her I Like Elvis button, which were also worn that day.Presented by the City of Ottawa Archives, Ottawa Rocks! distils six decades of popular music in the nation’s capital into a series of panels, each decade augmented by photos, songs, video footage and a wide variety of artifacts, from Allport’s blouse to Bluesfest posters. Also included is a page from Jimi Hendrix’s diary about his 1968 visit to Ottawa, when he met Joni Mitchell and went to a party in Vanier with her and Ottawa music mogul Harvey Glatt.The exhibit begins with Bill Haley’s 1956 appearance at the Ottawa Auditorium, which archivists consider the first major rock concert in the city. “He was the first real big-time rock ‘n’ roll artist to come to Ottawa,” says city archivist Paul Henry, who headed the project.“What we were looking for in the exhibit was the local experience, so something that really spoke to the personal experience of music in Ottawa, whether it’s a ticket stub or a sheet from a punk ‘zine or an album cover or photograph,” he says.Part of the goal in collecting the artifacts was to prove the stories that people remembered.“We knew some of what happened, but couldn’t prove everything that had happened,” Henry says. “The gap between what we knew or thought happened and what we could prove was the story we really needed to tell.“That’s really what the archives is all about. It’s the tangible bits of memory represented through artifacts and texts and remembrances that have been captured in a tangible way. We find the authentic, the reliable and we preserve it until the end of time, plus or minus a day.”



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