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So, why do women still have [url=]Cheap uggs[/url] outlet two jobs?
Facebook chief operating officer and mother of two Sheryl Sandberg makes a good point: why is it that in most developed countries women still have two jobs, while men are only expected to have one.Those jobs being, for most women the unpaid jobs she was reffering to are taking responsibility for children s care, plus some kind of income-generating paid work, and for most men, just working outside the home.Sandberg posed her question to chiefs of business and industry and government decision makers from around the world at the Davos economic forum. She asked delegates at a session on how to boost women s role in economic decision making to raise their hand if they d been asked should you be working (given you have kids)? . Only female delegates raised their hands.Long a champion of women s right (and often need) to pursue careers, the 42 year-old said women and girls were still fed messages designed to hold them back: right down to slogans on romper suits such as Smart like Daddy for boys, and Pretty like Mummy for girls.She noted that as women progress up the ranks at work, they become less popular while as men become successful they also become more popular. This was due to another insidious hurdle faced by working women and reported in previous research: people don t like them to lead strongly, like men. Though those who do behave in a more masculine manner at work are most likely to be promoted this is referred to as the double bind as this large international study reported by Forbes found. Sandberg is quoted in The Guardian saying that managers unconsciously reflect the kinds of stereotypes still dogging women workers, by judging them with comments such as she s great at her job, but she s just not as well liked by her peers, or, she s a bit aggressive .She was speaking at a conference which has traditionally been so dominated by male leaders that this year a quota was introduced for the conference s top 100 strategic partner companies (they were asked to include one woman in their groups of five delegates, but many chose simply to send four men and leave the fifth spot vacant rather than bring a female executive).Sandberg s comments have made waves internationally because it s not often some of the world s most powerful executives are challenged to their faces on their policies towards female employees.She is listened to, in part, because she s such a huge personal success story such an asset to Facebook she earned $US30 million in 2011.It s great to see such strong voices raised to criticise unfair attitudes to women in the workplace, and to highlight the fact that women are still encouraged and expected to spread themselves between more than one vocation, and also to drop out of the workforce to care for kids. But the problems Sandberg so powerfully summarizes are proving disappointingly stubborn. With the average gender pay gap still sitting at a whopping 17.4 per cent in Australia (with men earning an average $250 a week more for similar work), is it any wonder families make the decision that the mother s career should come second, given the father s superior earning potential.A Federal Government report released this month found the gender pay gap in Australia, for men and women doing similar work,[url=]cheap ugg[/url], doubled in the last year.Little has changed with regards to this entrenched expectation that a woman who wants to work just expands her energy to fit the size of the two tasks since I became a working/home and child-caring mother 14 years ago. And though strong words from stateswomen such as Sandberg are encouraging,[url=]ugg outlet[/url], the pace of reform in child-care, women s pay and attitudes to women in leadership positions has been depressingly slow. The real question is why do women and in some cases men, insist on trying to do 2 full time jobs, and in most cases neither gets done properly. Raising children to be civilised, considerate adults is not a part time job, nor a job that can be handballed to carers, and the proof is visible in the degenerating behaviour of the younger generation. The chase for the Holy Dollar and m #file_links[D:\keywords1.txt,[url=]cheap uggs[/url],1,S] aterialism has distorted the priorities of society, so now families that do the right thing and have 1 adult remain at home to raise the next generation have to struggle or go without while those who believe that money is a suitable substitute for happiness and quality of life drive inflation and produce offspring with no idea of responsibility, accountability nor consideration of others. Don t raise the argument of single parent families as the majority, yes there are exceptions but not many, are caused through choice and/or selfishness as the parent is not considering their responsibilities to the child when the decision is made. I raised three children, one of whom is disabled, and worked, whilst my husband followed his career, which frequently took him interstate and overseas. My children, now grown up, are polite, considerate productive members of society. It is nonsense to suggest that if women work, their children will grow up to be delinquents! Families are not chasing the holy dollar, they are simply trying to survive in a world with ever rising costs, where simply having a child puts you behind the eight ball and into tremendous debt. Life is a very expensive business these days. True point DH. However, having children is a choice, it is not mandatory. Shouldn t have them if you can t afford them, or are not prepared to make the necessary sacrifices to your life. Many of our choices in life will cause a financial struggle, for example, buying a house, or starting a business. But before we do this, we put it all on paper and see if it is do-able (or at least we should). Children should be considered just as carefully. Can we afford them? How many can we afford? Am I prepared to make the necessary sacrifices to my personal life to raise them?It seems so often that having children is deemed compulsory, with the attitude that as such, it should be societies responsibility to compensate those #file_links[D:\keywords3.txt,1,S] who bear them. Every choice we make in life means that we have to miss out on something else. Time to take responsibility for ourselves and our choices. Love to know hat planet you are on???? As a mid forties man with four kids I work full time out side the home and do most of the work inside as well. Most of my peers are the same.The notion that women are doing all the home work is a myth.... As the future check out what skills most 20 something female s have!!! no domestic / life skills at all. They have cleaners, eat out mostly and live in flats. Re: wage difference...please state one job that a man and women do equally that get different wages???? That survey published widely in most papers has been discredited by all. I was labelled agressive about 10 years ago, when I was in the first couple of years of my career in IT. It confused me at the time - I was acting no differently to the men around me (in fact, far less aggressively) and the behaviour that got me labelled that way was speaking my mind (when asked for an opinion - I didn t even offer opinions unsolicited). At the time I put it down to the manager not knowing what really went on in our department, but it always stuck out in my mind as strange. Looking back all it really came down to was expectations; I was female, so wasn t meant to voice my opinions or expect to be treated the same. Being young and inexperienced I didn t know any better and just participated in the workforce as an equal to all of my male counterparts - much to the confusion of everyone.I now work in finance - different set of men, but the same inequalities.Women are vastly outnumbered, and very unpopular if they want to build a career and are good at what they do. Men are ambitious and go-getters and are applauded for wanting to move up and do well. Women are greedy and aggressive . There is also a lot of male bonding that goes on, with women routinely excluded. Men have meetings whereas women just chat ...even when referring to conversations about work. The usual gender biases also come into play. If I offer to make someone a coffee it is an invisible gesture, if my male equivalent does it then he is doing that person a favour. Conversely, my refusal to offer to make coffees was met with disapproval, my #file_links[D:\keywords4.txt,1,S] male counterpart s refusal went unquestioned and unnoticed.So what am I doing? Meh. I like living a happy life, I can t be bothered trying to change and entire system. So I am doing what a lot of women do; exiting. I use my Bachelor s, Master s and years of experience to enrich the life of my daughters. Why waste my efforts on an unappreciative company paying me a token sum? I go to work for a couple of hours, give the expected amount required of me. Put up with the sexism, the barriers and just do some work. My talents are not utilised, nor do I keep pushing them to be as I did for so many years. I ve learnt that it would just mean that I d end up working more, with little or no reward. Perhaps an empty promise of one day being considered an equal to my male co-workers? I then go home and spend my days enjoying a blissful childhood with my children. A much better option that I highly recommend to other women.You cannot afford a modern home,4X4, SUV, HD and Wifi if both parents are not working.We need women working to keep the housing construction industry in business.That s modern life. I accept it. You should too. Why ? - a overly large multi bedroom McMansion, surrounded by material goodies that constantly grows, a lifestyle of personal indulgence.In short, a I want it now attitude.Next. For a start there is no female wage or male wage. Salaries are supposed to be either an individual agreement or is reflected by rank or similar increment increases. I am a working single mum [full time]and i have no choice as my ex passed away;no child support. As for housework my experience and opinion is that there are men and women with varying work and housework ethics. There are plenty of lazy money hungry wives who are at home with children who don t believe they should cook or clean. The notion of all males being lazy at home is kind of starting to wear thin. Men of today are doing more and more also. Goes both ways, depands on the individual relationship. I cannot begin to express how sexist your column is, and I know this because if you change it slightly and said it was men doing it all you would be shouted down by every female with access to the internet. I work a full day, I cook most meals in our house, I do my fair share of washing, I iron, clean and do the usual lawns etc plus spend as much time with the kids as possible while they are awake, so dont give me this woe is me rubbish about its all on the woman. If any woman feels that it is this way for them, then they have the wrong partner in life. The issue society has created where both parents feel the need to both work is because too many people these days seem to want everything new, bigger, better and faster than before. This takes money and means both parents need to work. Or, you could enjoy the simple things in life, struggle a bit, but spend more time with the kids. Each couples choice.But Wendy, please stop with this garbage about it is all on the woman to do everything, as that simply is not the case for anyone with a decent husband/wife/partner in life. And insulting to the guys who, more than pull their weight round the home. A garbage article with lots of mistruths and opinions (Wendy s opinions it would seem) stated as fact.* Reply from Wendy: Hi Damien, thanks for your comment #file_links[D:\keywords5.txt,1,S] . I have gone back and put in a couple of links to give you more information as to where I got other facts for this piece from. Also, of course I am aware many men pull their weight around the home . Ms Sandberg was referring to a phenomenon she belives affects most women.Cheers, Wendy I dearly hope I will find a part time job in a few months time when I return to work. Our daughter will be a year old. While I would love to look after her full time, its also important to contribute financially if we would like to save for her and education. My husband while working full time does help with the housework, difficult on weekdays but most certainly on weekends. Most men I see these days do help their partners. Im glad we make it work as a team. True we argue about the workload sometimes, but mostly we know that basic love and concern for each other makes us try to get through it all together., The difference in pay is not due to discrimination it is due to women s work choices. The method of calculating these results ensure that there will always be a difference unless women take on the heavy lift , dangerous jobs men do which pay higher (93% 0f workplace deaths and injurys are incurred by men). When these are controlled for there is no difference. As for two jobs, surveys which include both paid and unpaid work show men work slightly longer hours than women. Women do more unpaid work (home duties) but men do more paid work because more men than women are the main bread winners. The question is why is this still be whinged about? Women need to be responsible for their own lives. If they can t manage holding down a job and looking after children, then don t have children. Its just not that hard. I couldn t have managed it so I didn t have kids. But don t go ahead with it then whinge then expect everyone to feel sorry for you. Your life choices are your decision. So are the consequences. But if you want to blame someone, blame greedy politicians. They re the ones taxing us through the ar$$e meaning that women who would not have had to work once upon a time now have to. Far out Wendy what drivel. Do you and Susie O Brien get together to come up with the next great idea to rubbish men? How about doing an article on why women always bleed the men dry in a divorce settlement. Guess that will not be forthcoming because it might actually make the women look bad. Sheryl Sandberg does not live in the real world. She is obviously very priviliged and has no right to generalise about about the majority of families in the developed world. She also has no right to bash men many of whom work damned hard both at their workplace and at home. So yes it is drivel and I stand by that statement. Would love to hear her comments on the unfa #file_links[D:\keywords2.txt,1,S] irness of divorce settlements! Glad you are so confident a woman earning $30m a year for her business acumen is spouting drivel, brave call Andy Wendy TuohyTue 29 Jan 13 (02:35pm) Sorry, Wendy, but you are wrong. I followed your link and the diffence relates to average earnings. It does not seek to compare men s and women d wages for an identical job. * REPLY FROM WENDY: Robert did you look at the detailed chart of opening salaries of men and women across a wide range of industries? It says it all. Cheers, Wendy Here is another couple of links Lando, that I could find on the fly, to coverage from this January about a Federal Government report that revealed many female professionals across Australia were still being paid considerably less than males for performing identical roles . I ll stick up more links to justify that claim when I get a sec, am bit flat out. Cheers, Wendy Wendy TuohyTue 29 Jan 13 (03:01pm)All you need to do is look at the tennis to see that equal work doesn t mean equal pay.I don t see how women playing the best of 3 sets and the guys best of 5 sets is equal. Yet they both earn the same money. If you check time on the court I beat the winner of the men s has spent longer on the court then the women s.If you are working the same job but not putting in the same hours you shouldn t be on the same money simple as that.In saying that if both genders are doing the same job then they should be on the same starting base. The reason why women end up taking care of the children is because they were the ones that wanted them. While I don t condone men having children they don t really want, I can see how unfair it is to expect them to tend to children they did not choose to have. Pity men couldn t say to the women, I do not want kids and if you want them, you will have to raise them . Once it is clear, women won t be able to complain about this.Comments are submitted for possible publication on the condition that they may be edited. Please provide a name, you may use a screen name &#8211 this will be published with your comment, and a working email address not for publication, but for verification. The suburb/location field is optional.( Read our publication guidelines ).Submit your comments here:How to add a link: Enter the text you wish to be clickable, select it and click the 'Link' button to enter the link details in the popup box. Maximum of 2 links.* Required Fields Wendy Tuohy Wendy is a Herald Sun columnist. Her columns cover subjects including motherhood, children and childhood, work-life balance, women's status at work and in the community, the portrayal of women and girls, fashion and lifestyle trends, marriage and pop culture. Chat with her on Twitter @wtuohy. The reason why women end up taking care of the children is because they were the ones that (Mon 04 Feb 13 at 01:15pm) I really want to see a link showing hours worked here. All you need to do is look at the (Wed 30 Jan 13 at 04:24pm) Sorry, Wendy, but you are wrong. I followed your link and the diffence relates to average (Tue 29 Jan 13 at 02:41pm) Far out Wendy what drivel. Do you and Susie O Brien get together to come up with the next (Tue 29 Jan 13 at 01:32pm) The question is why is this still be whinged about? Women need to be responsible for their (Tue 29 Jan 13 at 01:00pm) The difference in pay is not due to discrimination it is due to women s work choices. The (Tue 29 Jan 13 at 12:15pm) I dearly hope I will find a part time job in a few months time when I return to work. Our (Tue 29 Jan 13 at 10:10am)andrew of fadden says: No blog posts on the Government today? I know old habits are hard to break, but at this stage of Lin says: Former Health Services Union Chief Williamson just pleaded guilty to fraud - one down, how many to go? LinkBabette Francis says: Congratulations to Susie for an honest re-think about abortion and viability. Now I would appreciate her re-thinking the link between John of Vic says: Susie, it s great you are starting to think about this issue a little more deeply than in the past. How

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