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NEW HAVEN,[url=]ugg outlet[/url], Conn. (AP) — Connecticut s health insurance marketplace is unveiling the first of three community murals it has commissioned to highlight health and wellness. Lt. Gov. Nancy Wyman is scheduled to be on hand for a community festival on Saturday at the Stetson Branch Library in New Haven, where the mural is located. Representatives from the marketplace, known as Access Health CT, will be available with information about the program. Open enrollment began on Oct. 1.Other murals were also commissioned in Bridgeport and Hartford. Also Saturday,[url=]cheap ugg[/url], Access Health CT is launching a Hispanic supermarket tour. Representatives will appear at the C-Town Supermarket in East Hartford. Hispanics are considered to be among the state s most uninsured residents.Because propaganda is more important than doing work or keeping promises. There is some justice however in the universe: thethe idiot demographic that voted for Obama in #file_links[D:\keywords13.txt,1,S] droves to take the hardest shafting. This thing is designed to destroy our economy and healthcare, and it is working out as intended. Fri, 18 Oct 2013 13:30:12 +0000 Hal_10000 The United States has overtaken Saudi Arabia to become the world s biggest oil producer as the jump in output from shale plays has led to the second biggest oil boom in history, according to leading U.S. energy consultancy PIRA.U.S. output, which includes natural gas liquids and biofuels, has swelled 3.2 million barrels per day (bpd) since 2009, the fastest expansion in production over a four-year period since a surge in Saudi Arabia s … Read moreNo related posts. The United States has overtaken Saudi Arabia to become the world s biggest oil producer as the jump in output from shale plays has led to the second biggest oil boom in history, according to leading U.S. energy consultancy PIRA.U.S. output, which includes natural gas liquids and biofuels,[url=]cheap uggs[/url], has swelled 3.2 million barrels per day (bpd) since 2009, the fastest expansion in production over a four-year period since a surge in Saudi Arabia s output from 1970-1974, PIRA said in a release on Tuesday.It was the latest milestone for the U.S. oil sector caused by the shale revolution, which has upended global oil trade. While still the largest consumer of fuel, the rise of cheap crude available to domestic refiners has turned the United States into a significant exporter of gasoline and distillate fuels.I m sure Obama s defenders will be rushing to credit him for this while his detractors will be rushing #file_links[D:\keywords14.txt,1,S] to I don t know, claim the numbers are skewed. But Obama s primary role in this has been to stand out of the way. The truth is that this revolution has been more than a decade in the making as rising oil prices spurred innovation and made shale oil economically viable.The thing is that this is exactly what conservatives and libertarians predicited. When oil prices spiked many years ago, the usual suspects blamed evil Arabs, evil oil companies, evil oil refineries, evil government and the evil Bush Administration with its evil ties to Big Evil Oil. Had we pursued the path of price controls, the result would have been shortages instead of a boom. People who understand economics pointed out that this was simply a surge in demand and that the demand would create new supply either through new oil resources or energy tech innovation. That s exactly what happened. And considering that the energy industry is the only thing propping up our economy, the Great Recession would still be going on had we listened to the naysayers.I ve quoted Lee before on this subject but it s always worth repeating his insight:Oil will never run out. Ever. There is too much money to be made in the technology industry for the world to keep relying solely on oil. We don’t need nightmares, we don’t need screaming histrionics, we don’t need end of the world scenarios. What we need are smart people taking the problem seriously, and finding workable, reasonable solutions to transition the world from a petroleum economy into the next generation.One day, the oil industry will die. We probably won t run out proven reserves are gigantic (and that s not even including natural gas and methane clathrate). But oil will fade because we ll make some breakthrough on nuclear fusion or vacuum energy or whatever that makes cracking open the Earth to extract a mineral slime un-economical. When that happens, we ll be fine. Fossil fuels are a fraction of our economy. But petro-states like Saudi Arabia will collapse.In the meantime, technological progress is producing an economic goldmine. Mainly because we let it do so.No related posts. Hey Mr DJ: Go To Hell Edition Fri, 18 Oct 2013 03:00:59 + #file_links[D:\keywords11.txt,1,S] 0000 Thrill Let it Burn: Let it all die. Anything fire or arson related is good, but the concept is to let an ugly old dying thing just die, not blowing it up.2. Nihilism Ain t Just a Religion in Egypt: Some good punk rock, metal, etc. Some good stuff about no future and dystopia, you know? I m in a dark, but tired mood.3. Rock Bottom: Well on our way already.pfluffy: When I Burn This Place Down by FirewaterIconoclast: Point of Know Return by KansasWVR: Mailman by SoundgardenMY: Life is Shit by The Dead MilkmenSantino: Fire and Thud by Arctic MonkeysBiggie G: Any Nirvana song fits the mood of this thread, really.No related posts. Reality sucks for nanny staters Fri, 18 Oct 2013 01:53:26 +0000 AlexInCT Thu, 17 Oct 2013 17:38:04 +0000 AlexInCT Zero Tolerance? Nope, Zero Thinking Thu, 17 Oct 2013 13:41:19 +0000 Hal_10000 Two weeks ago, Erin received a call from a friend at a party w #file_links[D:\keywords15.txt,1,S] ho was too drunk to drive. Erin drove to Boxford after work to pick up her friend. Moments after she arrived, the cops arrived too and busted several kids for underage possession of alcohol.A North Andover High School honor student, Erin was cleared by police, who agreed she … Read moreNo related posts. Two weeks ago, Erin received a call from a friend at a party who was too drunk to drive. Erin drove to Boxford after work to pick up her friend. Moments after she arrived, the cops arrived too and busted several kids for underage possession of alcohol.A North Andover High School honor student, Erin was cleared by police, who agreed she had not been drinking and was not in possession of alcohol. But Andover High told Erin she was in violation of the district’s zero tolerance policy against alcohol and drug use. In the middle of her senior year, Erin was demoted from captain of the volleyball team and told she would be suspended from playing for five gamesNow when I read this my first thought was that this was more Zero Tolerance nonsense. But, as Jesse Walker notes, it s actually worse than that: We do not have a zero tolerance policy. Each incident is fully investigated and decided upon based on the individual facts and circumstances. Our administrators are tasked with applying the Massachusetts Interscholastic Athletic Association (MIAA) rules pertaining to student-athletes and alcohol in a consistent and fair manner, Hutchinson wrote. To be clear, the MIAA’s, and by extension North Andover High School’s, chemical health rule prohibits student-athletes from possessing alcohol, in addition to prohibiting its use, consumption, or distribution. Walker:In other words: According to Superintendent Hutchinson, Cox s school does not have an inflexible rule that produced a perverse incentive to let a drunk friend drive a car. Cox s school carefully considered the evidence, investigated its options, and then deliberately decided to take an action that produces a perverse incentive to let a drunk friend drive a car.Never let it be said that zero tolerance is the single dumbest idea in American schools.This is mind-boggling. The punishment visited on Cox is not that bad in the scheme of things (although it could harm her chances at scholarships). But why would any punishment be visited here? Because she was in the vicinity party where there was alcohol? Does alcohol emit evil alcohol rays that corrupt children so that they can not even be allowed in the building?I know what their problem is: it s that she responded to this in a sensible manner instead of calling the police. It s because she accepted her friend s drinking as a reality and dealt with the situation in hand instead of burning everything in the service of combating underage drinking. I think the base problem here is the hysteria over underage drinking and the lawhead belief that government and its agents can prevent people from touching a drop of alcohol until they are 21.I m reminded very forcefully of social host laws. Every year, high school students have graduation or prom parties in distant locations, get drunk and drive home. And every year, kids are killed this way. Some parents have tried hosting parties at their own homes: they turn a blind eye to the drinking as long as the kids turn over their keys. These parents, to thunderous applause by MADD and other lawheads, have been prosecuted under social host laws . The logic is the same: we need to stop kids from touching the evil firewater. All else is collateral damage. We can stop teenagers from drinking if we just try hard enough.The message being sent could not be clearer: let your friends drive drunk. If they are killed or crippled as a result well, that ll learn em not to drink.No related posts. Thu, 17 Oct 2013 01:43:55 +0000 Hal_10000 The former Army captain who received the Medal of Honor on Tuesday has asked to return to active duty in the Army, a rare move by an officer who has lived to wear the military s highest award.Two U.S. officials tell The Associated Press that William D. Swenson has submitted a formal request to the Army and officials are working with him to allow his return.Swenson was awarded the Medal of Honor … Read moreNo related posts. The former Army captain who received the Medal of Honor on Tuesday has asked to return to active duty in the Army, a rare move by an officer who has lived to wear the military s highest award.Two U.S. officials tell The Associated Press that William D. Swenson has submitted a formal request to the Army and officials are working with him to allow his return.Swenson was awarded the Medal of Honor by President Obama in the White House Tuesday afternoon for risking his life to recover bodies and save fellow troops during a lengthy battle against the Taliban in Afghanistan near the Pakistan border in 2009.The U.S. officials spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to discuss the request until a decision was made.Swenson, 34, left the military in February 2011 as a captain, but he could rise to the rank of major once he rejoins. In order to successfully re-up, Swenson will have to pass a physical, a drug test and other routine reviews. But officials Tuesday were optimistic it would all fall into place.Here is a short video that includes raw footage of Swenson s heroic retrieval of dead and wounded from an ambush. There s nothing I can write that will make you admire this man more than seeing what he did and listening to his voice.No related posts. Obamacare in Star Wars terms #file_links[D:\keywords12.txt,1,S] comments Wed, 16 Oct 2013 19:00:14 +0000 AlexInCT The left s advice on how to make Obamacare affordable is Tue, 15 Oct 2013 12:37:10 +0000 AlexInCT People whose 2014 income will be a little too high to get subsidized health insurance from Covered California next year should start thinking now about ways to lower it to increase their odds of getting the valuable tax subsidy. If they can adjust (their income), they should, says Karen Pollitz, a senior fellow with the Kaiser Family Foundation. It s not cheating, it s allowed. Under the Affordable Care Act, if your 2014 income is between 138 and 400 percent of poverty level for your household size, you can purchase health insurance on a state-run exchange (such as Covered California) and receive a federal tax subsidy to offset all or part of your premium. If your income falls below 138 percent of poverty, you qualify for Medicaid, which provides no-cost health care to low-income people. In California, it s called Medi-Cal. If your income is higher than 400 percent of poverty, you can purchase a policy on or off the exchange, but in either case, you won t get a subsidy and the policy must provide certain essential benefits that many low-cost individual policies lack today, such as maternity care. And that s their message in its simplest form: be poor! Cause if you are not, you are gonna get ass raped by the government. As I have often said: the one thing progressive “social justice” policies can guarantee us all is equality of misery and poverty. That’s because it’s the easiest thing to do. And I have over 100 years of history to back it up. Welcome to the jungle…Related posts:What Social Justice always ends up looking like.P-R-I-C-E-L-E-S-S!It s all unexpectedly happening or just faux scandalous , so look over there!..
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