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MessagePosté le: Mar Mar 18, 2014 8:49 am    Sujet du message: Michael Kors handbags c22askey Répondre en citant

{Roughriders responded to Chamblin}
Saskatchewan Roughriders head coach Corey Chamblin appears to have averted an energy crisis.Before Tuesday's practice - the CFL team's first of the week - Chamblin made it clear to his players that he was not pleased with their pace - or lack thereof.After Thursday's session, Chamblin applauded the manner in which his players carried themselves in preparation for Saturday's home game with the B.C. Lions."I thought we had great energy and enthusiasm this week, and that's what I told the guys,'' Chamblin said. "Of course, on game day they have to bring it, and they have to bring the execution, but they had a lot of good energy this week.'' Chamblin was asked if the energy level was attributable to the blunt wake-up call he delivered earlier in the week."If I have to set the fire, I will,'' Chamblin replied. "That's my job. My job is to keep the guys motivated and making sure they're focused."That was one of the things just to get them back in the right mindset, back in the frame of mind. Being professionals, which they are, I think they took it and they ran with it, and that's what I really liked about the way they handled it.'' Chamblin is also pleased with his defence, which has allowed the fewest points in the league (325) while registering the most quarterback sacks (50) at the 15-game mark.Is the latter total especially satisfying, given the moves the Roughriders made to bolster the pass rush? "It would be more satisfying at the end of the year,[url=]Michael Kors handbags[/url],'' Chamblin said. "What I mean by that is that it's good for us to have that increased production there. I think it has helped us in our point totals and different things of where we stand defensively. We want to lead in a couple of categories. The biggest one is points (against)."I think that's a good thing for the guys up front. (Defensive line coach Todd Howard) is doing a good job up front with the system and taking it from one level to the next.''



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