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Inscrit le: 27 Sep 2011
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MessagePosté le: Lun Juin 17, 2013 4:55 am    Sujet du message: p25p30yz-spun5 Répondre en citant

GT: Nissan Announces GT Academy Lineups
Nissan’s GT Academy graduates are taught from The first day to assume that anything is achievable if you prefer it enough. The current roster of graduates, now fully-fledged Nismo Athletes, must haducati clutch coversve big dreams since the 2013 racing season holds a plethora of challenges for ones virtual-to-real racers.Together the can race the fearsome Nissan GT-R Nismo GT3, the Nissan-powered LMP2 car of Greaves Motorsport and Carlin Motorsport’s Formula 3 car.A couple of the most recent graduates will race for ‘Nissan GT Academy Team RJN’ inside the new FIA GT Series. Mark Shulzhitskiy and Wolfgang Reip will give an all-gamer line-up from the No. 32 Nissan GT-R,motorcycle stands, although the No. 35 car are working the hands of Lucas Ordonez and Nissan regular Alex Buncombe. Both cars are Pro-Am entries in your FIA GT Series.Even though line-ups will in addition compete from the Pro-Am group the Blancpain Endurance Series where Mark and Wolfgang might be accompanied by German GT Academy winner Peter Pyzera. This again creates an all-gamer line-up, demonstrating the confidence that Nissan has to use new found talent. Within the sister car US winner Steve Doherty will join the team with Lucas and Alex to compete face to face together with fellow 2012 GT Academy graduates. The Blancpain Endurance Series is known as a championship which involves three 3-hour races at Monza, Silverstone and Paul Ricard; a 1000km Nürburgring round plus the daunting Spa One day, that can be a stern test of one's new graduates. They will however be with the ever-patient tuition of ‘Nissan GT Academy Team RJN’ boss Bob Neville.One name missing within the line-up are Jordan Tresson. As GT Academy consistently unearth incredible talent yedouble bubble windscreenar-after-year competition with the Nissan squad intensifies for the very best will always be Nismo Athletes. Jordan won GT Academy common because then has reached his goal of racing around the Le Mans 1 day with Nissan. Jann Mardenborough recently hit the steepest a natural part of his learning curve together with the announcement that they will compete in your 2013 FIA European Formula 3 Championship. The 2011 GT Academy winner will race in F3 for you to fast track his education in downforce cars so she's prepared to compete at a Nissan-powered LMP2 car at Le Mans september. From win rear motorcycle standning GT Academy in June 2011 to racing at Le Mans in 2013 this will be the shortest path yet from ‘Lounge to Le Mans’ for your Nissan driver.The GT Academy winner most abundant in experience and who can join Jann in the Greaves Motorsport LMP2 car at Le Mans is Lucas Ordonez. The Spaniard already has a Le Mans podium on his CV and then a fantastic fifth place at Petit Le Mans from the Nissan DeltaWing. Lucas will in addition race in brake clutch leversthe Blancpain Endurance and FIA GT Series where he'll be ready to depart this world what bigger learnt in to the newest recruits.“GT Academy carries on push the boundaries,” explained Nissan’s Director of worldwide Motorsport Darren Cox. “Such could be the confidence we certainly have in the skill within the drivers you'll find discovered through GT Academmotorcycle engine coversy we certainly have committed tomotorcycle exhaust an all-gamer line-up racing inside the full FIA GT and Blancpain series. It is great to determine the Nissan GT-R Nismo GT3 cars racing at a number of the world’s best circuits in premier European GT Cham motorcycle fairing pionships, alongside from the top marques. Together with the coming in the GT-R Nismo road car, Nismo will provide a final GT-R to your road, and transformation destination develop technology compared to the race track. Many are exciting times for many people.”With lots of Nissan GT-R Nismo GT3s competing in competitions across Europe and the majority of in all LMP2 cars being ‘Powered by Nissan Nismo’ racing globally in 2013, it seems set to be another full throttle year for Nissan.The 2013 racing season gets underway with F3 at Monza on 23-24 March followed by FIA GT at Nogaro the examples below weekend.The 2013 Nismo Athletes:LUCAS ORDONEZ (2008 European GT Academy winner)Blancpain Endurance Series,motorcycle stands, FIA GT Series & Le Mans 24 HoursJANN MARDENBOROUGH (2011 European GT Academy winner)FIA European Formula 3 Championship & Le Mans 24 HoursALEX BUNCOMBEBlancpain Endurance Series & FIA GT SeriesWOLFGANG REIP (2012 European GT Academy winner)Blancpain Endurance Series &motorcycle engine covers FIA GT SeriesMARK SHULZHITSKIY (2012 Russian GT Academy winner)Blancpain Endurance Series & FIA GT SeriesPETER PYZERA (2012 German GT Academy winner)Blancpain Endurance SeriesSTEVE DOHERTY (2012 US GT Academy winner)Blancpain Endurance Series
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