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Inscrit le: 27 Sep 2011
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MessagePosté le: Lun Juin 17, 2013 5:42 pm    Sujet du message: vqxtszwl-spun4 Répondre en citant

Yoshimura R&D Riders Run Up Front in the 250's and 450's
The following is from Yoshimura…Round 3 of the 2013 Lucas Oil Pro Motocross season dropped the gates on the historically fabled Muddy Creek Raceway in Blountville, Tennessee. The beautiful track started out very wet, and made for some interesting racing conditions as the day progressed. Many top riders found themselves on the ground, as they battled the Southeastern soil.In the 250 class, the Yoshimura backed GEICO squad had a tumultuous day filled with victories and misfortunes. Both motos had Yoshimura powered holeshots. Moto 1 saw Justin Bogle grab a solid holeshot. He and teammate Zach Osborne engaged in a battle for the lead, with both riders exchanging the top spot. Bogle would eventually capture the lead position and run up front, looking better than he has all year. He held off a determined Cooper Webb, until suffering a bad crash that would take him out of the lead. When the gate dropped on Moto 2, it was all Eli Tomac. He launched out ahead of the rest of the pack, and made it over the first tabletop before anyone else. A solid holeshot, and a clear field of view was just what the doctor ordered for Tomac. Eli got to work and stretched out a commanding lead, reminiscent of his Thunder Valley victory a week earlier. Tomac would remain unchallenged for the duration, and bag the win. He made it to the podium, netting himself a 2nd for the day. Zach Osborne would round out the top 5, with Justin Bogle taking home 7th.450 class Moto 1 didn't see a holeshot from Yoshimura-backed Muscle Milk Honda's Justin Barcia, but he did manage a first lap pass for the lead, moving Ryan Villopoto out of the way. The 2 riders would battle it out, for some of the best up-front racing action fans have seen this season. Barcia finished the race in 2nd. Back in 3rd, Justin's teammate Trey Canard suffered a serious crash which would take him out of the hunt for the remainder of the race. Yoshimura Suzuki rider James Stewart finished a solid 4th amid a packed house of championship contenders. Moto 2 saw Justin Barcia land himself yet another 2nd place finish, and teammate Trey Canard was able to successfully complete the race in 3rd - leaving off from his work in Moto 1. Their Moto 2 finishes show just how ultra-consistent the Yoshimura-backed Muscle Milk Honda riders are. The duo are seemingly inseparable, finishing right next to each other,adjustable levers, race after race. Barcia took home an impressive 2nd overall. Yoshimura Suzuki's James Stewart finished Moto 2 in 7th, which was good enough to put him in 4th for the overall.Yoshimura backed RCH Suzuki's Broc Tickle calls Muddy Creek his home track, and he has been racing at the Tennessee facility since he was 5 years old. Broc was able to race to a Top 10 finish for the day, making it his best overall of the season.450MX Results:2. Justin Barcia, Ochlocknee, GAHonda Muscle MilkTitanium Carbon RS9 Dual Full System4. James Stewart, Haines City, FLYoshimura SuzukiTitanium Carbon RS4 Full System9. Trey Canard, Shawnee, OKHonda Muscle MilkTitanium Carbon RS9 Dual Full System10. Brock Tickle, Holly, MIRCH Racing SuzukiTitanium Carbon RS4 Full System250MX Results:2. Eli Tomac,motorcycle custom parts, Cortez, COGEICO HondaTitanium Carbon RS4 Full System5. Zach Osborne, Richlands,Coach Outlet, VAGEICO HondaTitanium Carbon RS4 Full System7. Justin Bogle, Cushing, OKGEICO HondaTitanium Carbon RS4 Full System
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