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Inscrit le: 27 Sep 2011
Messages: 7915
Localisation: England

MessagePosté le: Lun Juin 17, 2013 7:53 pm    Sujet du message: yvk5pyst-spun4 Répondre en citant

Five Fast Facts: Bell Revolver EVO An inexpensive modular helmet doesn’t have to be cheap.
1. Once you go modular, it’s hard to go back: Fifty seems to be about the age past which most of us no longer really give a damn how cool we look. With the face section flipped up, you might resemble a lost polizei, but it’s nice to be able to yell at people,Sportbike Parts,bar end mirror, have a drink, pop in Seat Covers to the Piggly Wiggly for one item and ride around with the wind in your face at will (though this is not typically recommended by modular helmet makers). The Evo’s release mechanism is located in the bottom middle of the chinbar where it’s easy to hit with either thumb, and the alloy latching mechanism locks closed positively. Then again, all buttoned up, our Revolver Evo Rally Black looks really cool.2. Comfortable, with removable liner: Pull it right out should you ever decide to wash it (by hand), and you’ll find pockets pre-molded into the EPS liner for speakers. Bell offers cheekpads of various thicknesses for around $15 a pair; the standard 45mm ones in our helmet were fine. 3. Is it loud? WHAT?! The knock on many modulars including the original Revolver is noise. The seam where the face section meets the rest of the helmet catches the wind and creates turbulence. Plus, the seal around the neck area (a big influence on helmet noise) is typically not as good. But the Revolver Evo, which supersedes the original Evo of a season or two ago, isn’t too much noisier than premium modulars or even some full-face helmets. For the price, it performs well. 4. Cool adjustable Lever features: Bell is still the only helmet maker in the U.S. to offer the SOLFX Photochromic shield, one of the greatest moto inventions since gasoline. Unfortunately,Coach Outlet, the shield will run you $119.95—60 perce clutch lever nt of the price of the helmet. Maybe your dealer will cut you a deal? With the SOLFX, you really wouldn’t need the Evo’s flip-down Darth Vader dark eye shield. The venting works as well as what’s in most helmets.5. Can’t beat the price: $199.95 is about one-third what you’ll pay for a top-line modular, but the Bell doesn’t Motorcycle Racing Partfeel or look nearly as cheap as its price tag suggests. Nor is the polycarbonate-shell Evo particularly heavy,motorcycle custom parts, at a claimed 3.9 pounds. Bottom line on the Revolver Evo is that it’s the best deal out there for the rider who wants to go modular on a fixed income. And mod cheap motorcycle accessories ular is awesome when you ride a lot.The Bell Revo cheap motorcycle jackets lver Evo is DOT approved, comes in five solid colo motorcycle accessories online rs in XS-XXL sizes, plus Skratch Pin Stripe or Rally Black (shown), for $199.95 to $ Revolver EVO - Hi-Vis Yellow'>Bell Revolver EVO - Metallic Silver Solid'>Bell Revolver EVO - Black'>Bell Revolver EVO - Matte Black'>Bell Revolver EVO - Whi clutch and brake levers te'>Bell Revolver Evo Helmet'> -->
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